Principal’s Spotlight, Week of April 8

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Week Ahead: 

Mon., Apr. 8           Heifer International donation drive begins (SGA-sponsored

                                    Bike Rodeo in PE classes for Gr. 3-5

                                    Lego Engineering, 3:30-5:00 pm, rm. 121

                                    Field Hockey, 3:30-4:30 pm 

                                    Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 236

                                    Cub Scouts, 3:30-4:45 pm, rm. 155

                                    Art Escape, 3:30-4:30, rm. 150                    


Tues., Apr. 9       Bike Rodeo in PE classes for Gr. 3-5 

                               Last day to register for Science Fair (visit PTA website)

                               Reading Kids Network, 3:30-4:30 pm, Media Center

                               K Daisies, rm. 129, 3:30-4:45 pm

                             Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                           Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                          Basketball, 3:30-4:45 pm, gym                     


Wed., Apr. 10             Beginning French, 8:00-9:00 am, rm. 218

                                    Intermediate Spanish, 8:00-9:00 am, rm. 223

                                    Bike Rodeo in PE classes for Gr. 3-5 

                                    Mrs. Howard/Ms. Matthews K classes to Kingsley Center, 9:30-1:30

                                    Beginning Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 223

                                    Gr. 3 Brownies, 3:30-4:45 pm, rm. 128

                                    Gr. 2 Brownies, 3:30-4:45 pm, rm. 154 

                                    Gr. 1 Daisies, 3:30-4:45 pm

                                    Art, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 163

                                    KOA Street Hockey, 3:30-4:30 pm, blacktop 

                                    Power Hour, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 164

                                    Creative Adventures, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 239                       


Thur., Apr. 11                        Vision & Hearing Screenings

                                    Bike Rodeo in PE classes for Gr. 3-5 

                                    Ms. Wolfe/Mrs. Ginsburg K classes to Kingsley Center, 9:30-1:30

                                    Yoga, 3:30-4:30 pm, gym

                                    Moor Soccer, 3:30-4:30 pm

                                     Reading Kids Network, 3:30-4:30 pm, Media Center


Fri., Apr. 12                Wear your school colors today

                                    Bike Rodeo in PE classes for Gr. 3-5

                                    Grade 4 Wax Museum, 9:30-11:15 am, APR 

                                    Vision & Hearing Screenings

                                    Scrabble, 3:30-4:45 pm, Media Center

                                    Have a great weekend!                                                                       

A Look Ahead

            Apr. 16 & 17              Gr. 5 Maryland State Assessment (Science), all morning

            Apr. 18 & 19              Kindergarten Orientation (by appointment)

            Apr.  18 & 19             No School for Kindergarteners

            Apr. 18                                    Gr. 3 and 5 walk to CHS for performance of Peter Pan, 9:30-11:00 am

            Apr. 19                                    Science Fair, 7:00-8:00 pm, APR

            Apr. 22-26                  Geography Bowl Tryouts for Grades 3-5



  • The      2013 Bells Mill Science Fair is scheduled for Friday, April 19, 7:00-8:30      pm, APR.  All      students in grades K-5 are invited to participate. Participation is      voluntary, but you must register your child online by Tuesday, April 9.  For science fair guidelines, resources      and to register, visit the PTA website at  Volunteers needed.  To volunteer or ask questions, contact      Adrian Marques at [email protected]      .


  • The      Bike Rodeo will be held from April 8 through April 12 for students in      grades 3-5 during their PE classes.  This is a fun way to      learn bicycle safety.  No equipment      is necessary from home.  No previous bike riding experience      required.  Safety equipment and      bikes are provided courtesy of the Montgomery County Rec. Dept.


  • Power      Hour will not meet next week, Wednesday, April 17.  Power Hour sessions will resume on      Wednesday, April 24.


  • The      yearbook committee needs candid photos.        If you have photos from events      like the Sock Hop, Spirit Week, Odyssey of the Mind at the state      competition and others, you can upload images by visiting .       The access code is NTZIHV.  The minimum requirement is that the image      be in JPEG format, 10 mb or less.
  • Attention      Grade 5 Parents, your student will take the Maryland State Assessment for      Science on the mornings of Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16 and 17.  Testing will last all morning on both      test dates.  Students who are absent      will have the opportunity to make-up all or part of the test.  Please refrain from making appointments      on these important dates.  Your      child should get a good night’s sleep, eat a nourishing breakfast and come      to school on time for testing.


  • Hearing      and Vision Screening is scheduled for April 11 and April 12 for all students new to the      school system (kindergarten), and students in 1st grade who do not have      evidence of hearing and vision testing within the past school year.  If you do not wish to have your      child screened, based on religious beliefs, please notify the Bells Mill Health      Room in writing.   


  • Beginning Monday, April 8, through Friday, April 19, the      SGA will collect money to support Heifer International, an organization that      has a mission to help families in need.  Your      donation can help purchase a farm animal, send a child to school, supply water      or open a small business. Collection jars are located in every homeroom.


  • Attention Kindergarten Parents, there is no school for      kindergarteners on Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19, 2013.  On those days we will host Kindergarten      Orientation for next year’s kindergarten students and their parents.


  • April 25 is Take Your Child to Work Day.  If your child      will be absent from school for all or part of the day please send a note      to your child’s teacher at least one day before the absence.  Also, please be sure to call the office      to report the absence.  For the      safety of the children, we want to accurately account for all absentees.


  • The      MCPS Maintenance Division is in the process of switching school buildings      from heating to air conditioning.  Maintenance employees will      perform routine maintenance and convert Bells Mill to air      conditioning.  There will be no heat      at Bells Mill after April 18.   


  • Order the Bells Mill      yearbook online at      .  Enter job # 11371913 which will take you to a secure      order site for Bells Mills ES.  The      cost per yearbook is $22.  From      March 23 to April 12 the cost is $27.       Please order by April 12.


  • Save the date!  Saturday, April 20 is the Celebrity      Baseball Game at the Bethesda Big Train!  Bells Mill students, staff and families      have been invited to come out and support the Bethesda Big Train.  All Bells Mill students will get in      free.  Families must purchase their      tickets.  Watch backpacks for an      information flyer.  I hope you plan      on coming out to support our school but also to enjoy a great evening of      baseball with local media celebrities, Redskin players and others.


  • Register now for Camp Bells      Mill for Bells Mill students entering K through 5.  Camp      will be held July 8-26, 8:30 am to noon.       Visit the Bells Mill website to download a registration form, and      return the form with payment to the office.


  • The Catalog of Montgomery      College Summer Youth Programs is now available online.  Over      200 programs are offered this summer for students in grades K-12.  To view the catalog and register, visit      .



Thank you for being partners in your child’s education.

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