Mrs. O’s Welcome Letter 2013-2014

We hope you’ve had a nice summer! Please find the first Bear Mail for the 2013-2014 school year. Most notably, the following includes:

  • Mrs. O’s Welcome Letter. Please click here for a PDF of this information-rich letter. The letter includes staffing updates, important dates for the open house and first week of school, bus routes, school lunch info, PTA-membership information, and much more!
  • Call for volunteers to help with the staff/teacher welcome breakfasts during the week of August 19th.

Also, please remind any friends or neighbors new to Bells Mill to sign up for the weekly Bear Posts as this is our primary way of communicating with the Bells Mill Community. Each week there is a PTA newsletter and a Principal’s Spotlight that is sent via email with this subscription.

Next week we will send more information about how to joint the PTA, school supplies and beginning of year activities.

Happy Summer!

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