Message on Community Incident


A message from Dr. Benz, principal at Churchill High School.

Dr. Benz wants to alert you to a serious incident that occurred last week. On Friday afternoon three Churchill ninth graders were walking home through the neighborhood park adjacent to Cabin John Middle School. They were approached by two males, 18-20 years old and approximately 6’-6’2” tall. These men were aggressive and threatening. They held the boys, went through their pockets, and took items of value, including their mobile devices. They ran through the park and are believed to have fled in a car.

The police were called to the scene and an investigation is ongoing. While, overall, the Potomac community is safe, our community is not immune from crime. Please share this information and take appropriate steps to protect our students and community members. If you see anything that causes you concern, for the safety of our students, please do not hesitate to contact the police.

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