5th Grade Class Gift to BMES. . .

The PTA is excited to announce the 5th grade class gift to the school!  It is a Buddy Bench for the school playground. A Buddy Bench is a safe place for kids to find a friend or seek respite during recess time. Our Buddy Bench is currently on order and will be here soon. When it arrives it will be decorated by the 5th grade class and in the fall Mrs. Kanter will be giving guidance lessons on how to use the bench. We are thankful to Lisa Stackman for chairing the 5th grade matriculation activities, Jane Johnston and Laura McAree who are chairing the class gift and all the 5th grade parents and teachers who are part of this process. We will miss you BMES class of 2014-2015.

For more info on a Buddy Bench:  http://buddybench.org/  and here – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/03/second-grader-buddy-bench_n_4378248.html.

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