Box Tops at Bells Mill & Pizza Contest!

Update on Monthly Box Top Pizza Party Contest Standings So Far…

February Box Top totals are looking good! The 3 classes that are in the lead for winning the pizza party contest are:

1st place- Mrs. Yoder

2nd place- Mrs. Bedell

3rd place- Miss Harris

Lots of classes are following closely behind, so keep sending in your Box Tops! The kids are very excited about this competition, so help them win this contest for the end of the year pizza party! Thanks for your support. Check back for updated standings next month!


Calling all Box Top collectors…  Bells Mill is holding a contest to see which class can bring in the most Box Tops for the remainder of the year! The winning class will earn a pizza party in June, sponsored by Jerry’s Subs & Pizza!  Collection sheets will be sent home soon but feel free to send your Box Tops in a bag or envelope with the teacher’s name clearly printed on it and deposit it into the Box Top collection box in the front entrance of the school. Periodic updates about which class is in the lead will be posted throughout the remainder of the year. Help your child win this fun end of the year pizza party and send in those Box Tops today!

This year, our school will once again be participating in the Box Tops for Education program. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. Just look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school with your child to deposit in the Box Top collection bin at the entrance of the school just past the office. For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupon offers and recipes and learn about extra ways for our school to earn. If you have any questions about the program, please email Kellie Zuba at [email protected]. Be on the lookout for Box Top collection sheets several times throughout the year. Thanks for participating in this program to make it a success for the 2015-2016 year!

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