Click for . . . Bells Mill!

Bells Mill has been chosen for WTOP’s inaugural Click for Kids sweepstakes! With enough votes our school could win $20,000!

To vote or for more information visit:

Anyone over the age of 13 can vote (that’s a legal thing) – kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors, you name it.  You can vote one time per person/per email (so you CAN vote twice if you have, for example, a work email and a Gmail account. 

 The winners will be based solely on the number of eligible votes.  People who vote are required to provide a name, email and zip and will be getting promotional information from WTOP and our sponsor Zippy Shell. However, names and information will not be shared with any other third parties and people can opt-out of emails at any time.

So, share the news and ask friends, family and others to Click for Bells Mill before voting ends on February 26!

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