Help Us Get There!

Hard to believe that it’s the end of the first marking period! Parent teacher conferences are around the corner, and already much of the PTA’s efforts have impacted classrooms and learning. From assemblies to supplies in the classroom to before- and after-school programs, the PTA is at work impacting every student and staff member in our school.
Last year we kicked off a new form of direct appeal fundraising. We are very close to meeting this year’s goal for donations. 
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Posted in PTA

Nov. 5 PTA Meeting: Curriculum Speaker

The next PTA meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 5 in the APR. We’ve had a change in speaker:
Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Hough are going to present on Reading Levels and the Progression in Reading and the Math Pathways.  It will be about a 30 minute presentation and then time for questions.
  • The meeting will be pot luck — bring an appetizer or treat to share
  • Bar T will provide childcare for Bells Mill-aged students

See you there!

Posted in PTA

Innisbrook Sale In Process

For those interested in Innisbrook’s line of wrapping paper and gifts, online sales are currently in process. This is not a fundraiser, just a way to bring items to you easily through the school should you wish to purchase these sorts of seasonal items. All purchases are through online sales this year. The purchase window will close next week, Friday, November 7.
To place an order visit Our school number is 103353.  Please look for your teacher’s name when ordering. 
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Posted in PTA

Math Kangaroo Comes Back to Bells Mill

Math Kangaroo Comes Back to Bells Mill!

Math Kangaroo is an international mathematics competition that takes place annually in March.   Bells Mill students in 1st -5th grade (and their siblings from grades 6-12) can participate along with over 17,000 students across US, and even more students around the world, by challenging themselves to individually solve word problems using the mathematical knowledge they already know.  Everyone wins in Math Kangaroo! Each registered student is awarded a t-shirt, a certificate of participation and a gift on test day.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

This Year, So Far. . .

The year is in full swing and so far has:

  • Your Kinder enjoyed their free Tshirt at the beginning of the year?
  • Your first or second grader enjoyed  playing with recess equipment outside or board games during indoor recess?
  • Your third grader used their student planner?
  • Your fourth grader started looking forward to working with a Poet in Residence or taking part in the Geography Bowl?
  • Your fifth grader started looking forward to Promotion and the patrol picnic?
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Posted in PTA

Keep Going with Box Tops $$$ for BMES!


Box Top Submission Time!


Keep those Box Tops coming in because November 3rd is the Fall submission date.  I must have all of the Box Tops in by October 30th in order to turn them in on time to receive our check in December.  Thanks for your continued support on this program!  If you have any questions about the program or want to become a follower on the website, please go to:  http://www.boxtops4education.comRead Full Post

Posted in PTA

First Parent Resource Meeting, Tonight, Thursday October 16

The PTA’s first Parent Resource Meeting is Thursday, October 16 at 7 p.m. in media center.

Our Parent Resource program is for all parents — whether your child is on an IEP or you wonder about additional ways to support social, emotional and behavioral needs among your growing students.

The first meeting will be a general welcome meeting and overview of local resources. Subsequent meetings will feature speakers and other resources.

Posted in PTA