Bells Mill Odyssey of the Mind — Important Parent meeting on September 20th

The BMES Odyssey of the Mind (OM) program is starting up again soon! OM is an international educational program in which teams of 5-7 students solve all kinds of problems ranging from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. Along the way, students learn teamwork, performance, and problem-solving skills.  Many teams BMES compete in OM tournaments; last year three teams competed in the Maryland State Finals and one team was selected to participate in the World Finals.  Teams meet weekly from fall to mid-spring under the supervision of trained parent coaches (kindergarten students will meet less frequently).  Cost is minimal, but parent assistance is required given that OM is an entirely volunteer program.  Most meetings will be held on Friday afternoons at the Media Center.  The BMES OM program is directed by Dr. Bill Klein, a Bells Mill parent and last year’s recipient of the Maryland OM “OMER” award for his coaching work at Bells Mill and Cabin John.  Interested in joining a Bells Mill team?  A mandatory informational meeting for students and parents will be held on Thursday, Sept. 20, from 7:00-8:00PM in the AP room.  Previous participants should attend.  For more information about the program, see:

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