Box Tops Due Oct. 31!

Keep clipping Box Tops and sending them to school before the Fall submission deadline, Oct. 31 (no school on Nov. 1!) so that they can be mailed in to get cash for our school. There is a large collection box in the front hallway when you walk through the entrance doors.  You can drop them in this designated box or send them with your child to school. We have had many devout Box Top collectors throughout the years. To the old and new parents alike, help us by supporting this special and unique program.  We can make a difference!

What is Box Tops? How Can Box Tops Do More for My School?

Box Tops for Education is a national school earnings program that has been around since 1996.  Since then, schools across the country have earned over half a billion dollars from Box Tops to buy items for their schools.  Box Tops are found on hundreds of products and look like the picture above.  Each Box Top that you cut out is worth ten cents for your school.  This may not seem like a lot, but it really adds up fast!  Another earning feature is the Box Top Marketplace which allows you to earn Box Tops for shopping on-line. If you shop for anything online, first check to see if that store is part of the so that you can automatically earn E- Box Tops for our school.  Sign up to support our school at  The site will give you valuable information about all of the Box Top products, give you coupons, and offer opportunities to win prizes and extra Box Tops.  It is free to join and you will be able to track our school’s earnings each month.



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