Call for Volunteers

The PTA is in need of some immediate volunteer help as well as some long-term planning needs.


  • BINGO Night coordinator. The permits have been pulled and most of the night has been planned, but we need someone to help execute this annual community night.


  • Seeking a PTA president for the 2017-2018 school year. NOW is the time to jump in so that you can shadow the current president during the busy spring event season. Bells Mill has had a long-standing tradition of a very strong PTA that supports our staff and students. The majority of the board and active PTA committee chairs have students out of the primary grades. If you have a student in K-2 and are interested in getting more involved, now is the time!
  • Board members and committee chairs. As the current board members have students in 3rd/4th/5th grade, we encourage parents with students in younger grades to consider joining the PTA in ways that work for their schedules or interests.

Contact Greer Bautz ([email protected]) or Stacy Kahn Ganz ([email protected]) with interest or questions.

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