Club Bells Mill — Volunteer Link Open/Membership Form

Club Bells Mill is THIS SATURDAY, October 24!

Parents: we need Volunteers We cannot have a safe event without enough parent volunteers!

Club Bells Mill is a great time at Bells Mill! It’s a community event that requires membership or a drop in fee. Parents are asked to volunteer a couple times during the year; and then are free to “drop off” for a couple hours for dinner! The event is from 6-8 p.m. and will take place 4 Saturday evenings over the course of the school year.

Please remember to fill out the waiver — only one waiver PER FAMILY.

See the Club Bells Mill Membership Form for more details on how to join and event dates. Remember, if everyone who send their kids volunteers once there will be plenty  of help and time to enjoy a few nights out!

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