Work together with friends to complete the packets. You do not need maps or globes-all the maps that you need are in the packet.
March15th Packets are handed out to be completed
April 22nd week *Quiz administered – time/date by grade
May 6 th week Tie breaker quizzes are administered
May 13th week Bowl Team for each class announced
Tues May 21st 4th Grade Bowl from 9:30 to 11:00am
Wed May 22nd 3rd Grade Bowl from 9:30 to 11:00am
Thurs May 23rd 5th Grade Bowl from 9:30 to 11:00am
Everyone who completes the packet will get a prize. You can use the packets to study for the quiz.
*Quiz: anyone who wants to try out to be in the Bowl will take the quiz in class.
(all classes in each grade must give the quiz on the same day at the same time)
The students with the top 4 scores in each class will be the class team.
In addition, the student with the 5th highest score will be the team alternate.
Everyone who takes the quiz will get a prize.
Each Team will have a team captain. The team members will all study their corrected packets to prepare for the Bowl.
All the students in each class should prepare a cheer for their class team. The students will perform the cheer at the Geography Bowl.
PRIZES: All team members receive a prize at the end of the bowl. In addition, the class of the winning team will have a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake party!
If a student has a food allergy, please let your teacher know so we can accommodate those with allergies. We will provide a substitution as well as an ice cream cake.