Happy New Year Bear Post

Happy New Year! The following is a condensed Bear Post with important information you need to know before the next scheduled Bear Post on Thursday morning.

PTA Meeting, Tuesday, January 5 — There will be a PTA meeting on Tuesday, January 5 at 7 p.m. in the Media Center. Mrs. O will be our guest speaker and will discuss how to interpret PARCC test scores. BarT will provide childcare for Bells Mill-aged students.

Club Bells Mill — The third Club Bells Mill is this Saturday, January 9. Please consider volunteering: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A054EA8AA5-club2

Winter Enrichment –The winter enrichment session starts the week of January 11th and registration deadlines are looming. Here is the link to the site where you register:  https://bellsmill.org/enrichment-activities/

No 4th/5th Grade Dance — This PTA-sponsored event for January 21 has been canceled.

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