Membership/Donataion Drive and Update

Thanks to everyone’s generous donations we have raised $15,124 thus far! Woo! Hoo! We have about $9k left to make our fundraising goal. We are asking for $100 per family but we will gladly take ANY AMOUNT you can give. Every donation counts and helps us reach our goal. Please help us continue to provide awesome community activities for the kids and families at BMES. We need to make our fundraising goal so that we do not have to have any additional fundraisers this year. No wrapping paper sales, no read-a-thon, nothing more to sell! We are also excited about our current PTA membership – so far we have 455 total members. We need 81 more members to match last year! PTA dues are $20 this year and include a hard copy of the PTA directory and the on-line APP. Please join the PTA so you can support all that the PTA does.

We have a new approach to fundraising as outlined in this flyer. You can also join/donate online ( or print and send in the 2013-14 PTA Membership Form.

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