Odyssey of the Mind — Mandatory Parent Mtg, 9/19 @ 7:30

Attention Gr. 1-5: we will introduce Odyssey of the Mind on Thursday evening, September 19 from 7:30-8:30 in the Media Center. Odyssey of the Mind demonstrates that creativity can be taught, stimulated and improved with practice. Students use their artistic, theatrical and engineering skills to create new solutions to intriguing problems; they learn to “think outside the box” and develop valuable skills that will be essential for success in the 21st Century. Bells Mill has a strong Odyssey of the Mind program, sending several teams to the Maryland State Finals each year. Teams of students meet weekly from fall to mid-spring under the supervision of trained parent coaches. Cost is minimal, but parent assistance is required given that OM is an entirely volunteer program. We need coaches to form even teams and volunteers to help support the teams. Most meetings will be held on Friday afternoons at BMES. The BMES OM program is directed by Dr. Bill Klein, a Bells Mill parent and recipient of the Maryland Odyssey of the Mind “OMER” award for his coaching work at Bells Mill and Cabin John. This mandatory informational meeting for interested parents/guardians will introduce the program to new families and orient returning ones.

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