Club Bells Mill — THIS SAT– Magic Show


It must be time for another kids’ night out at Club Bells Mill!  
This Saturday, March 14th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm is the FINAL Club Bells Mill of the school year!!!
Drop your kids off for 2 hours of fun with their friends!  Not only will there be a DJ, moon bounce, crafts, and gym games, this event also features a magician’s show and balloon twisting!  

$10. per child at the door for our non-members 🙂
Pizza, water and treats are always available for a small cost ($2 slice/$1 water bottle/treat prices varied)!
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Posted in PTA

Remember Box Tops!

Keep clipping and sending in your Box Tops during this winter season!  We are halfway to our goal this year and want to keep this forward progress going.  If you would like to know more information about the Box Tops program, please feel free to visit the website at  Look for a new winter collection sheet in your child’s bag in the near future.  Thanks!

Posted in PTA

MLK Book Orders Due; Revised Lunch Menu

MLK III Book Order Due TOMORROW, March 3

Mr. King’s illustrated book, My Daddy, is for sale through the PTA. The price of the book is $11. Mr. King will sign purchased books after the school assembly. Check backpacks for order forms or visit the PTA website. Book orders are due no later than the end of the school day on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Sorry, due to time constraints, no late orders can be accepted.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Special Opportunity for BMES — King Book at Discount

 As you know by now, the Bells Mill PTA has secured Martin Luther King, III to come speak at a school assembly on Mary 19.

Mr. King recently wrote a children’s book, “My Daddy,” about Dr. King. Bells Mill families have the unique opportunity to purchase a book at a substantial discount of $11 (this is not a fundraiser) that Mr. King will sign at the assembly.

Families interested in purchasing a book must fill out the attached book order form and return no later than March 3.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Seeking Media Center Volunteers

Mrs. Floyd (our media specialist) is looking for parents to help staff the media center a few afternoons a week. She needs parent help to staff the check-out desk while she teaches lessons. This helps students retain the ability to visit the media center during the day with teacher permission. Please see the following volunteer link if interested in helping out.

Media Center Volunteers:

Posted in PTA

Bells Mill PTA to Present Martin Luther King III at Assembly

The Bells Mill PTA is honored to announce a school-wide assembly featuring Martin Luther King, III son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 10:00 am. Mr. King will talk to students and staff about his late father’s legacy and his own personal efforts for  human rights advocacy.   

This daytime assembly will be for staff and students only. We are in the process of planning an event with Martin Luther King III on the evening of March 19th, which will be open to the community.

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