Mrs. O’s Welcome Letter 2013-2014

We hope you’ve had a nice summer! Please find the first Bear Mail for the 2013-2014 school year. Most notably, the following includes:

  • Mrs. O’s Welcome Letter. Please click here for a PDF of this information-rich letter. The letter includes staffing updates, important dates for the open house and first week of school, bus routes, school lunch info, PTA-membership information, and much more!
  • Call for volunteers to help with the staff/teacher welcome breakfasts during the week of August 19th.
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Posted in PTA

Last Bear Post of the Year!

The PTA wishes to thank all the parents, teachers and staff for an outstanding year! We couldn’t have done all the fun and enriching activities without you!

Remember there is early dismissal on Friday at 1 p.m.

Stay tuned for Bear Posts to start up again in August with important back-to-school information. And, tell neighbors/friends with incoming new students to visit our website and sign up for the newsletters. (And most importantly, to register with the school!)… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Last Spotlight of the Year!

Please see below for the last Spotlight of the school year! You can here for a printable PDF.


Week Ahead:


Mon., June 10            Happy last Monday of the school year!


Tues., June 11            Gr. 5 rehearsal for Promotion Ceremony, 12:45-3:00 pm, Churchill HS           

                                             Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121


Wed., June 12            Gr. 5 picnic at Inverness, 9:30 am-2:30 pm


Thur., June 13           Last Day for Head Start

                                              Kindergarten celebrations (Wolfe 1:15; Matthews 1:30; Howard/Ginsburg 1:45)

                                               Gr.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

PTA News

Thanks to Ashley Seasholtz for organizing our first Popsicle Palooza. It was a great  hit on a hot afternoon!
A few admin items as we close out the school year:
  • If you need to submit a receipt for reimbursement to the PTA, please do so ASAP so that we can wrap up our year with the end of the school year.
  • We are planning actively for next year. See below for a link to submit your name to areas of interest.Your
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Posted in PTA

Bells Mill Bash Info

Stay tuned for more information on whether we will hold the Bash as scheduled, on Friday June 7 or on the rain date, Monday, June 10. We will decide on Thursday, June 6 and send an email out to the community during the afternoon.
We still need volunteers. Click here for the volunteer signup sheet:
Posted in PTA

PTA enrichment volunteer needed – SSL hours available!

Please help the BMES PTA enrichment committee continue the quality lineup of after-school programs you’ve come to expect. We are looking for one dedicated volunteer to help with data entry and organization in the next 12 months, starting next week. This could be a parent or even a BMES sibling who wants to earn SSL hours. Ideally someone very detail-oriented since it will be database work.
If you’re interested or know someone who is, please contact Kakki Lewis at [email protected]
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Posted in PTA

Media Center Volunteers…Thank You and Come Back!!

A HUGE thanks to all of those who have volunteered in the Media center.  It’s been extremely helpful.

We are in the home stretch and the book carts have started to stack up so any amount of time you can volunteer is truly needed and greatly appreciated!  THERE ARE A FEW SLOTS STILL NEEDED FOR NEXT WEEK! No prior experience necessary and Mrs. Floyd is happy to provide training.
Sign up now at:

Posted in PTA

Mrs. O’s Spotlight, Week of June 3

Please see below for Mrs. O’s Spotlight for the week of June 3. You can also click here for a printable PDF.


Week Ahead:

Mon., June 3              Art Escapades, 3:30-4:30, rm.

                                    Lego Engineering, 3:30-4:30 pm      


Tues., June 4              Gr. 5 to U.S. Capitol

                                        Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                                        Eco-Kids, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 214


Wed., June 5              Instrumental Music Concert, 7:00 pm, APR


Thur., June 6              Earth Science (K-1), 3:30-4:30 pm, rm.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Popsicle Palooza, Friday, THIS FRIDAY @ BMES

Please join us for Popsicle Palooza this Friday, May 31st from 4:30 to 5:30 at Bells Mill on the blacktop! You and your kids can celebrate the end of a great year with their teachers and yummy ice cream treats. Tickets for treats can be purchased at the event. In exchange for your tickets, teachers will serve up cool, delicious ice cream and popsicles. Parents, this a PTA sponsored event, not a school event, so please make sure that any child needing parental supervision is accompanied by a responsible adult

Posted in PTA