Last Week to Pre-Order School Supplies for 2013-2014; Orders due FRIDAY

Opportunity to Pre-Order School Supplies for 2013-2014!

How would you like to skip the lines in August, and have your child’s back-to-school supplies waiting for them at school in the Fall?  You can!!

A flyer was sent home in the backpacks, giving you the opportunity to pre-order school supply kits.  The flyer lists (on page 2) the MCPS-approved items that your child will need at BMES next year.

For more information on how this program works, click here.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Geography Bowl Winners

We would like to thank the staff and teachers for supporting the Geo Bowl. We also would like to thank the students for completing the packets, taking the quizzes, creating the cheers, and studying for the bowl.  The 3 days of bowls were full of enthusiasm and great cheers.  Who knew learning can be this much fun!
Lets congratulate the winners for each of the grades:
3rd grade: Mr Nocente’s class
4th grade: Ms. Berkowitz’s class
5th grade: Mr.
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Posted in PTA

Spotlight, Week of May 27

Please see below for Mrs. O’s Spotlight for the week of May 27. You can also click here for a printable PDF. As we race toward the last day of school these newsletters have some very important information. Thanks and have a nice long weekend.

Week Ahead:

Mon., May 27                        NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day Holiday


Tues., May 28                        Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                                                   Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                                                  Eco-Kids, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Want to Help Out on a 2013-2014 PTA Committee? Sign up Now!

The board for 2013-2014 is excited to start planning for next year. Thanks to the community for your support and your confidence in us and we are truly looking forward to a great year. Thank you to everyone who has agreed to step up and chair an event or activity next school year. Some of our committees will start planning now for next year and if you are interested in helping us please select your areas of interest and submit your name below.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Spring Recess Volunteers

Please help!  We still need many more Recess and Lunch Volunteers!  It’s the last quarter of school and the weather is great! The kids are excited and we need your help. . .
Help is especially needed in the cafeteria between 1:20pm and 1:55pm.  Please click on the link below and sign up today to dedicate yourself to one hour each week, or two hours each month, or whatever time you can give through the end of the school year.
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Posted in PTA

Spotlight, Week of 5/20

Please see below for text to Mrs. O’s Spotlight for the week of May 20. You can also click herefor a printable PDF.


Week Ahead:

Mon., May 20                        Lego Engineering, 3:30-5 pm, rm. 121

                                                   Art Escapades, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 163

                                                   Language Stars Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 236

                                                   Gr. 4 Poetry Night 7:00-8:30 pm, APR


Tues., May 21            Gr. 3 field trip to Smithsonian

                                    Gr. 4 Geography Bowl

                                    Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                                     Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Churchill Spring Clinics

For girls, grades 3-8, there is a field hockey clinic on Sunday, June 9. Click here for more details.

For boys, grades 2-6, there is a soccer clinic Friday, May 31 and/or Friday, June 7. Choose one or both dates. Click HERE for more info.

Posted in PTA

Spotlight, Week of May 13

Please see below for Mrs. O’s Spotlight for the week of May 13. You can click here for a printable PDF.


Week Ahead:

Mon., May 13                        Lego Engineering, 3:30-5 pm, rm. 121

                                                  Art Escapades, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 163

                                                  Language Stars Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 236


Tues., May 14            Hearing/Vision Rescreening

                                     Patrol Picnic at Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 9:30 am-1:30 pm

                                    Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                                      Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                                     Eco-Kids, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA