Spotlight & Important PTA Board Information

Following is the slate for the 2017-2018 PTA Board. Please note that FOUR critical positions still need to be filled. You can come on Tuesday, May 2 at 7 p.m. to  the PTA meeting to add yourself to the slate for voting or email Stella Sandler ([email protected]) or Jialu Zhang ([email protected] )with interest.

President:  Needs to be Filled  (Works with board and administration to oversee PTA)

President-Elect: Needs to be Filled (Will be PTA president in 2018-2019 School Year; work with board and administration to oversee PTA.Read Full Post

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Staff Appreciation Week — Next Week!!

2017 Staff Appreciation Week

Staff Appreciation Week is almost here! Please sign up to help at:

This week is our opportunity to show our Bells Mill teachers and staff how grateful we are for all that they do for our children!

We have so much fun in store for the week!

(1) A breakfast on Monday, May 1st.

(2) A coffee bar on Tuesday, May 2nd.

(3) A Greek Feast on Wednesday, May 3rd.

(4) Bring Your Teacher a Note Day on Thursday, May 4th.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

PTA Meeting: Tuesday, May 2

The next PTA meeting with be held Tuesday May 2 at 7pm in the media center.  Mr. Leffler will discuss the transition from 5th Grade to Middle School.  PTA elections for the 2017/2018 school year will also be held at the meeting.  Child care will be provided.  We hope to see as many parents as possible, this is a very important meeting.

Posted in PTA

Help Mrs. Kanter with a Survey

Elementary School Counselors are collecting data about our positions to share with Principals over the summer.  A survey was created to help get data from parents.  Mrs. Kanter would like as many Bells Mill parents to complete the survey below as possible. The deadline is Friday, April 7. Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted in PTA

The Geography Bowl is Coming!

Attention 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents – the Geography Bowl is almost here!  This week, your child will bring home an information sheet and schedule for the Geography Bowl, as well as Geography Bowl packets to complete at home (note that participation in the Bowl is entirely voluntary!) Interested students can complete their packets by early May, when teachers will begin the selection process for their class teams.  Teams will compete in the Geography Bowl in early June.  Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Mrs. O’s Spotlight & PTA Meeting

Reminder, the April PTA Meeting is Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Kanter and she will discuss “How to Talk to Children about Death.” This is also a very important meeting because we will be voting on the slate for the 2017-2018 PTA Board.

Secondly, please see Mrs O’s Spotlight Week of April 3 for information about this school week!

Posted in PTA

Next PTA Meeting and PTA Housekeeping

April 4th PTA Meeting at 7pm.

  • The next PTA meeting is Tuesday April 4th at 7 p.m. in the media center. We will be proposing the slate of PTA Board members for 2017/2018, and need as many PTA members there are possible to make it official.
  • We are still in need of a PTA President for next year in order for PTA to function at full capacity.  We are looking for someone enthusiastic,dedicated, and team oriented. 
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Posted in PTA