Principal’s Spotlight, Week of 4/29

Please see below for this week’s Spotlight. Or click here for a printable PDF.

Week Ahead:

Mon., April 29           Gr. 4 Poet-in-Residence all week

                                       Language Stars Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 236

                                         Lego Engineering, 3:30-5 pm, rm. 121

                                           Art, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 163


Tues., April 30           Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                                        Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                                         Eco-Kids, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 214

                                      Reading Kids Network, 3:30-4:30 pm, Media Center


Wed., May 1              Beginning French, 8:00-9:00 am, rm. 218

                                         Intermediate Spanish, 8:00-9:00 am, rm. 223

                                         Beginning Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 223

                                        Art, 3:30-5, rm. 163

                                        Power Hour

                                           Potomac Pizza Night


Thur., May 2             Cultural Arts Assemblies in the morning

                                      Yoga, 3:30-4:30, gym

                                      Earth Science (K-1), 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 213

                                      Earth Science (2-4), 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 217

                                      Reading Kids Network, 3:30-4:30 pm, Media Center

                                      Moor Sports Soccer 3:30-4:45, fields


Fri., May 3                 Last day of Humane Society drive

Scrabble, 3:30-4:45, Media Center

                                    International Night, 7:00-9:00 pm


A Look Ahead

Tue., May 7                PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm, Media Center

Thur., May 9              Gr. 5 plays, 7:00 pm, APR

Fri., May 10                Head Start picnic at Cabin John Regional Park

            Tue., May 14              Patrol Picnic at Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 9:30 am-1:30 pm

            Wed., May 15             Volunteer Breakfast, 8:30-9:30 am, staff lounge

            Thur., May 16                        Chorus Concert, 7:00 pm, APR


  • Attention      volunteers, all Bells Mill volunteers are invited to our annual Volunteer      Breakfast on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 8:30-9:30 am, in the      staff lounge.  Each year we take      this opportunity to show our appreciation for all you do.  If you have helped in the classroom,      monitored recess, chaperoned a field trip, tutored a child, or helped in      any way, please be our guest.  Send      RSVP forms to the main office or call 301-469-1046.


  • Join us at      Potomac Pizza in the village on Wednesday,      May 1, for the last Bells Mill Restaurant Night of the year. Dine      in or carry out and Potomac Pizza will donate 20% of the proceeds back to the      Bells Mill PTA (does not include delivery sales). Please make sure to tell      your server that you are with Bells Mill!


  • There are still spots      available for Camp Bells Mill/KinderCamp for Bells Mill students entering      K through 5.  Camp will be held July 8-26, 8:30 am-noon.  Visit the Bells Mill website to download      a registration form, and return the form with payment to the office.  For those parents who sent in a      deposit, final payment is due Friday, May 17.


  • As the end of the school year approaches, parents are discussing ways to thank their children’s teachers.  Please keep in mind that, according to the Montgomery County Board of Education Ethics Policy, employees may not accept gifts that exceed $20 in value.  A class may combine their money to purchase one gift, as long as no individual student contributes more than the $20 limit. 


  • Parents of all Montgomery County      Public Schools students with disabilities have the opportunity to      participate in the annual Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement      Survey from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).  Parent      response to the survey is measured by MSDE as an indicator of parent      involvement. The survey period is from now until May 17, 2013.      Parents may participate online by accessing:      or through written surveys that have been mailed.


  • Parent Academy workshops give parents tips and tools to help their      children succeed in school.  All      workshops are FREE and held at      locations throughout the county.       Child care and interpretation services are provided.  Check backpacks for an informational      brochure with registration form and listing of workshop topics, or visit .


  • MCPS Regional Elementary      Summer School Programs are      offered at various locations throughout the county, July 9-August 2, for      students entering K-5.  No      transportation is provided.       Registration forms are available online at      .


  • Bells Mill’s Odyssey      of the Mind teams need your help.  In late May our teams will move on to      compete in the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in East Lansing, Michigan.       Travel and registration costs are high, and they need our help to get      there. Every little bit helps, and donating is quite easy.      Just visit, and click on the      green “Donate” button in the upper left-hand section of the      website (next to the Join 2012-2013 PTA button).  When you see the      option for special instructions, put in a note that your donation is for      Odyssey of the Mind (otherwise it will go into the general PTA      fund).  This mechanism can only be used through May 6,      so please go to the website soon if you would like donate.


  • Grade 4 Girl Scouts are holding a drive through May 3      to collect items for the Humane Society.       The most needed items are clean towels, sheets,      blankets, comforters and small bathroom rugs.  Please clean out your linen closets and      help a good cause.  Look for a      collection box in the front hall.

Questions, Kathleen Ervin [email protected] .

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