Principal’s Spotlight, Week of November 4th

Below please find the Principal’s Spotlight for the week of November 4th. You can also click here for a printable PDF.

Week Ahead: 

Mon., Nov. 4           Food Drive now through Nov. 19

                                     Hip Hop, 3:30-4:30, gym

                                    Cyber Minecraft, 3:30-4:30, rm. 214

                                    Cooking, 3:30-4:30, rm. 163

                                    I9 Sports Lacrosse, 3:30-4:30 pm

                                    K Daisies, 3:30 pm, rm. 236


Tues., Nov. 5               Big Learning for K-1, 3:30-4:30, rm. 219

                                    Art Escapades, 3:30-4:30, rm. 163

                                    Guitar, 3:30-4:30, rm. 165

                                    PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm, Media Center                      


Wed., Nov. 6               Beginning/Intermediate French, 8:00 am, rm. 240

                                    Spanish Intro, 8:15 am, rm. 212

                                    Adventure Theater, 3:30-4:30, rm. 124

                                    Beginning Spanish, 3:30-4:30, rm. 235

                                    Gr. 5 Juniorss, 3:30 pm, rm. 148

                                    Gr. 2 Brownies, 3:30 pm, rm. 128

                                    Gr. 4 Juniors, 3:30 pm, rm. 239

                                    Principal’s Tea for Gr. 2/3 Parents, 7:00 pm, APR


Thur., Nov. 7              Big Learning for 2-4, 3:30-4:30, rm. 223

                                    Art Escapades, 3:30-4:30, rm. 163

                                    Beginning Chinese, 3:30-4:30, rm. 218

                                    I9 Sports Soccer, 3:30-4:30


Fri., Nov. 8                 Deadline for Gr. 3 applications to Centers for Highly Gifted

                                    Deadline for Gr. 5 applications to Middle School Magnets

                                    Intermediate Spanish, 8:00 am, rm. 239

                                    Play-Well TEKnologies Lego, 3:30, rm. 163


A Look Ahead           

Nov. 11 & 12              Early Release, 1:00 pm (parent conferences as scheduled)

Nov. 13                       Report Cards Distributed

                                    Principal’s Tea for 4/5 Parents, 7:00 pm, APR


  • Gr.      2/3 parents are invited to the Principal’s Tea on Wednesday, November 6, 7:00-8:00      pm in the APR.  Please      feel free to send Mr. Meiners any questions via email ( [email protected] ) or      note for topics you would like to have addressed.  This is an informal evening that      provides you with an opportunity to ask questions that are specific to the      Gr. 2/3 programs.


  • Parent-Teacher      Conferences are held on the two early release days, November 11 and 12, 2013.  Please contact your child’s teacher and      schedule a conference to discuss your child’s progress.  Your involvement in education is      critical to your child’s success.  Dismissal      is at 1:00 pm on both days.


  • Bells Mill will offer a Flu-Mist Clinic on the early release day, November 12, beginning at 1:00 pm (this is an early release day with dismissal at 1:00 pm). Only a few appointments are still available. To schedule a time for your Bells Mill student to receive the vaccine, please call Mrs. Messina in the health room (301-469-1248). A parent/guardian must accompany the child.



  • Attention      Grade 5 Parents: Middle School Magnet program applications and Middle      School Magnet Consortium choice forms are due November 8, 2013.  Please visit the MCPS website for more      information,      .   


  • From now until November      19, second grade Brownie troop 2794 is holding a food drive to benefit A      Wider Circle.  Look for a donation      bin near the main office door. The most needed items are whole grain      pasta, cereal, beans and canned fruits and vegetables, but all donations      are welcome.


  • Save the Date! MCPS State of the Schools Event is set for November 11.  Superintendent Joshua P. Starr will deliver his second State of the Schools address on Monday, November 11, at the Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, Bethesda. This free event will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. and will feature artwork and performances by MCPS students. Visit the State of the Schools website at for more information and to RSVP.      


  • Are      you thinking of purchasing a piano?  Schaeffer Piano Co. in Rockville is      holding its annual sale of specially-priced upright and grand pianos to      MCPS families, Friday and Saturday, November 15 and 16, 2013.  You must call Schaeffer to schedule an      appointment, 301-424-1147.  No      appointment is necessary on Sunday, November 17, when the sale will be      open to the general public from 10:00 am-6:.


  • Students in Grades K-5 can explore the arts by participating in Reflections, an arts program sponsored by our PTA in conjunction with the National PTA.  This year’s theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire.”  Interested students may create an original work in any of the following categories:  dance, film, music, literature, photography and visual arts.  Deadline for entries is November 27.  For details contact Stefie Heideman, Bells Mill PTA Reflections Chair, at [email protected] .  


Thank you for being partners in your child’s education

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