Staff Appreciation Reminders/Final PTA Mtg.

1.       2014 Staff Appreciation Week started today!!

Please sign up to donate anything that you are willing/able to give. We relay on our enormously generous parents to make this week such a success! TONIGHT, please help your child draft a note for his/her teacher. Here is the schedule for the week:
…(1) A breakfast on Monday, May 5th (thanks to those who brought yummy food already!)
(2) Bring Your Teacher a Note Day on Tuesday, May 6th.
(3) A Tiki Hut Smoothie Bar during lunch on Wednesday, May 7th.
(4) A lunch on Thursday, May 8th.
(5) A Friday Dessert Bar of small bite-sized goodies.
(6) A “Grab-and-Go Table” of varied snacks and drinks. We’ll keep this table stocked all week, and our teachers and staff can just come and grab snacks whenever they wish. Thanks so much!
To view the sign up, go to:

2.       The Last PTA meeting of the year is this Tuesday at 7pm in the media Center. Babysitting provided. See agenda here

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