The Hoover MS PTA would love to invite all the Churchill cluster parents to Hoover to hear internationally recognized speaker on social media Dr. Sameer Hinduja on September 24th at 7:00 PM.
The schools have been telling us for several years that one of the MAJOR problems they deal with every single day is disruption to a student’s day caused by fallout from social media/phone/tech use and misuse that happens in and out of school. Some of those issues include heightened anxiety and stress, school absences, cyberbullying, and sexting just to name a few. Hoover isn’t unique in dealing with these problems. Pyle middle school has been having Dr. Hinduja speak to their families, students, and staff for almost 10 years with great results so we are bringing him to Hoover. This is an adults-only presentation. We hope to see you there so as a community we can work together with our kids to promote safe, healthy, and positive technology use.
Even if your child doesn’t have a phone or access to social media this presentation is for YOUR family. All it takes is for one student to share a picture of your child in an unkind way for there to be devastating consequences. Hoover PTA and Dr Kim have partnered to bring Dr Hinduja to Hoover in an effort to improve the culture of social media use and to empower our kids to act with kindness and caution in their everyday tech use.
For more information on Dr Hinduja click here