All MCPS students are being assigned a Chromebook for use for the 2020-2021 school year. If your pre-K to 5th grade aged student already has an MCPS device, they can continue to use it for this coming school year. They should have been assigned a One Touchscreen Lenovo 300e.
Pickup will be on August 17-18th, please follow the instructions below and ensure we manage crowds and proper safety protocols.
1) Show up at the designated time listed below based on last name.
2) Please wear face covering and have a visible sign ready with your child(ren)’s First and Last Name, Grade Level & Student ID #s. All MCPS staff will adhere to facemask and distancing guidelines. Do not exit your vehicle.
3) Walk ups will be accommodated.
Pickup Times:
Last Name A-E: 9am-10am
Last Name F-J: 10am-11am
Last Name K-O: 11am-12pm
Last Name P-T: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Last Name U-Z (or missed time above): 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Please contact the school for other arrangements if you are unable to adhere to the scheduled dates and times above.