Message from MCCPTA about MCPS and COVID crisis management

Please see the information below sent by the MCCPTA.

Yesterday, the Virtual Learning Committee sent a letter to MCPS Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith to recommend improvements to the way MCPS manages the COVID Crisis and communicates with parents.  Specifically, we propose that MCPS:

-form a COVID Crisis Response Team–led by a dedicated Associate Superintendent–to coordinate across multiple MCPS departments to address challenges and identify opportunities for innovative curriculum delivery
-produce a detailed FAQ for parents about the Reopening Plans
-ensure that MCPS communications are simpler and more readable (you might recognize some of the examples cited)

Join Our Committee!
We welcome additional voices to join our committee. We are working to address a range of issues affecting remote learning, and we want to make sure our committee represents the diversity of MCPS students. To be clear, we do not take a position on the reopening of schools, but we are working to improve remote learning and support families during these challenging times. Our next meeting is 5pm on Feb. 25 via Zoom. Let me know if you’d like to join us! You can reach me at

Email here If you have questions or feedback, please only reach out to me at

Message from: Gail Ravnitzky Silberglied
Consultant, Speak Up Advocacy(
PTA President, Garrett Park Elementary School(
Chair, MCCPTA Virtual Learning Subcommittee( cell/text

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