Popsicle Social – Thursday, August 24

We’re excited to welcome everyone back to school at the Popsicle Social after each Open House. Students, reconnect with classmates! Parents, look for information on joining PTA, volunteer opportunities and spirit wear sales! See you on the blacktop!

  • Head Start, Kindergarten, and Grades 1&2: Open House from 10-11 with popsicles after you meet your teacher
  • Grades 3-5: Open House from 11:30-12:30 with popsicles after you meet your teacher

Posted in PTA

Area Summer Advocacy Meeting – July 18

You are invited to attend the Central Summer Area Advocacy Meeting on July 18 from 6-9PM at Julius West Middle School. It is an opportunity for members of the Winston Churchill Cluster Community to gather with MCPS, elected officials, and MCCPTA advocates to discuss issues affecting our community.  The meeting will also be used to develop MCCPTA’s advocacy priorities for the 2023-2024 school year.  SSL hours can be earned by student participants.

The discussion topics for this meeting are: 1) School Safety; 2) Staffing; 3) Facilities and Boundaries; and 4) Improvement of Instruction/Practices of Teaching and Learning in Heterogeneous Classroom Facilities.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Incoming Kindergartener & New Student Playdates

The PTA is excited to host playdates this summer on the Bells Mill playground (behind the school) to welcome new students! We kindly ask that you sign up so that we may contact you in case of a rain date. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AA9AC22A3F8CE9-bmes


·      Sunday, August 13, 10-11am — final playdate!

New Students in Grades 1-5

Students in Grades 1-5 who are new to Bells Mill are invited to a meet-up on Sunday, August 13 from 11-12.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Thanks for supporting BMES PTA this year!

Dear Bells Mill Community,

As we wrap up the school year, I wanted to share my appreciation to the parents, teachers, administrators and broader school community who supported PTA this year. We are lucky to have strong membership, generous supporters, and dedicated volunteers committed to our school.

With your help we were able to support more than 50 programs and activities to support our children’s education and student experience at Bells Mill. To help build community we planned events such as the Back to School Picnic, Outdoor Movie Night, Magic & Muffins, Family BINGO Night, Talent Show, and last week’s Bells Mill Bash.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

TODAY (6/16)! Deadline to submit for reimbursement for PTA activities

If you volunteered for a PTA committee and have any expenses to submit to reimbursement, please see below! Friday, June 16th is the last day to submit expenses for reimbursement from the PTA.  To request reimbursement complete this form and attach the appropriate receipts. Receipts should clearly identify the items you are requesting reimbursement for. You can leave forms and receipts in the PTA box in the main office or email forms and all receipts to [email protected]

Posted in PTA

Monday — Annual Scotland Juneteenth Heritage Festival

Celebrating the past and present of the first places African-Americans owned land in Montgomery County, the Scotland community of Potomac, Md., is announcing a significant expansion of its annual Scotland Juneteenth Heritage Festival for 2023. The Scotland neighborhood is a treasured part of our Bells Mill community.

Featuring a children’s carnival and music performance, as well as art exhibitions, food, sports, and presentations on Black history in this region, the events for the federal holiday on Monday, June 19, will be spread across the Cabin John Regional Park, Cabin John Village, and the Scotland community on Seven Locks Road.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Bells Mill Bash is tomorrow! Online sales for wristbands end at 11:59PM tonight!

Come celebrate the end of the school year at the PTA Bells Mill Bash tomorrow night at 5:30-8pm! There will be fun and games for all Bells Mill families. Please pre-order wristbandssign the waiver, and sign up to volunteer! This event is for Bells Mill families only and is not a drop-off event.

Ticketing: https://bellsmillpta.membershiptoolkit.com/store/11046 (wristband orders due by 6/8 at 11:59pm) If you miss the deadline, please email [email protected]

Waiver: https://forms.gle/n4eNcDrZWsLzZJ9v5

Volunteers: https://tinyurl.com/2kt2mpp7

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Posted in PTA

New recess equipment for next year

The PTA is excited to purchase two funnel ball hoops for Bells Mill for outdoor recess. They will installed for next school year. Thank you to Mrs. Kemp and Mr. Tom for helping navigate MCPS requirements and Mrs. Over for helping with the ordering. We’re excited for our students to have additional infrastructure during recess!

Posted in PTA