Don’t Be Distracted Creative Contest -DEADLINE APPROACHING

Attention Montgomery County Public School Students!
Don’t Be Distracted Creative Contest Deadline is February 16, 2018 – Enter Now!

Create a 30-60 second public service announcement (PSA) video or artwork about one or both of the following topics:

1. Tell your peers the importance of not walking or driving distracted.
2. Tell adults the importance of not being distracted while driving, especially in school zones.

By entering, you could win $500 for college tuition or a $100 Chick-Fil-A or Chipotle gift card! Also, The first 20 entries that meet the requirements will be awarded one free movie ticket! So don’t wait. Submit your video or art piece today!

Enter today on the Montgomery County Safe Routes to School website:

<>If you have any questions, contact Nadji Kirby at [email protected] or 240-777-7169.

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