We have a dangerous situation that is occurring during our arrival procedures. I need your help in making sure we have safe arrival for all children. Our parent drop off was designed to have just the outer lane used for drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon. the middle lane in the parking area is not to be used. When we use the outer lane for drop off it allows for a continuous flow of traffic. Please stay in the outer lane, have your child get out on the passenger side. There are usually adults and patrols there to assist the children getting out of the cars. If you feel the need to escort or assist your child out of the vehicle, you must park in the lot. Please do not pull your cars into the middle lane to allow children to get out of the vehicle. In addition at dismissal I see parents parking, double parking, and even triple parking vehicles, leaving them running and coming to the doors to pick up children. This is a huge safety factor and must stop immediately. If you are not parking in the pickup lane, you must park in a space, turn off your vehicle and come to the doors for dismissal. I know each of you will support following the expectations in order to maintain safe arrival for all of our students.