It’s hard to believe but we need to think about next year already! While we have several current board members who will be running for re-election, there will be a few open positions to fill.
Board Positions
We are looking for PTA board members, particularly the roles of Secretary and Delegate. The descriptions of the roles are below – if you are interested in helping support learning opportunities and build community, please consider joining us!
- Secretary: Record meetings of PTA general and board meetings; help maintain membership list; and file all records.
- Delegate: Attend all board and general meetings at Bells Mill PTA, Cluster meetings, and the Montgomery County Council of PTA. Represent the Bells Mill PTA as voting member of MCCPTA during the council meetings and any other organized MCCPTA related meetings/seminars/presentations and report back announcements, important actions, and all relevant information to the PTA board.
In addition, the PTA board meets with school leadership on a monthly basis.
Nominating Committee
We also need two more volunteers to serve on the nominating committee. The nominating committee will be responsible for nominating eligible persons for open PTA board positions and reporting their nominees to the general membership prior to the PTA election at a general membership meeting in May.
Contact Us
If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected].