Pre-Ordered School Supplies: Pick Up Info

If you pre-ordered the 2014-15 school supplies for your child via Schoolkidz back in May, this is a friendly reminder that your child’s (or children’s) pre-ordered school supplies will be available for pick up during the Open House on Friday, August 22rd between 9:00am-10:00am.  The school supply kit pick-up will be in Room 121, which is in the Kindergarten hallway.

If you are new to the school and did not pre-order supplies, please see the supply list in Mrs.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Mrs. O’s Welcome Letter to Parents and Students for 2014-2015 School Year


Hello, Bells Mill Families,

Here  you will find a link to Mrs. O’s welcome letter for parents and students to kick off the 2014-2015 school year. Please read this PDF packet closely as it has a letter from Mrs. O, suggested school supplies, bus routes, school lunch info and much, much more.

Please remember to join the PTA and tell all incoming families to sign up for BearPosts as it is our primary way of communicating with parents.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Volunteers/Items Needed: Annual Teacher/Staff Breakfast Week Starts Tuesday

The PTA is kicking off the school year with its annual Teacher Breakfast and we need your help! We rely heavily on parent participation to welcome our teachers/staff back to school!

We would greatly appreciate it if you or your spouse could volunteer some time for this event. This is also a great way for SSL students to obtain hours for credit. The Teacher Breakfast is set for Tuesday Aug 19th & Thursday Aug 21st.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

PTA News & Updates

  • Thanks to Mary Kayvan and all of her volunteers for a TERRIFIC Bells Mill Bash. A great time was had by all. We hit a new record with more than 500 people attending the bash!
  • Ms. Wolfe’s Great American Bake Sale raised over $1,300.  That is the most it has ever raised.  All proceeds will be donated to Share Our Strength, to help them end childhood hunger in America.
  • We are still seeking volunteers for next year’s PTA-sponsored events.
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Posted in PTA

Mrs. O’s Spotlight, Week of June 9

Week of June 9           This is Spirit Week (see the daily schedule for spirit activities)       


Mon., June 9               Color Day (K wear blue; 1st wear white; 2nd wear green; 3rd wear purple; 4th wear red; 5th wear yellow)

                                    C3 Cyber Club (make up session), rm. 213, 3:30-4:30 pm

                                    Gr. 5 Promotion rehearsal at Churchill HS, 9:30-11:30 am (students will walk)


Tues., June10              College Day (wear a jersey or colors of your favorite college)

                                     Gr.Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

PTA News

We can’t believe it’s almost the last week of school, either! Thanks to everyone for a great year. Please read this post carefully as we need help your insight and help to keep up the “good work” with the PTA and continue to provide fun activities and enrichment programs.
See you at THE BASH on Friday, June 6 at 5:30! It’s not too late to volunteer and we need a few more hands!
A Note from Mandy Lemar, PTA President 2013-2014:
Thanks to all the Chair People, Volunteers and Room Parents who helped this year to make the year awesome for the kids.
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Posted in PTA

Committee Help For 2014-2015

The PTA Board has been busy planning a fun and rewarding 2014-2015 school year. While we’ve filled a great deal of committee chair positions, we are still looking for a few good men and women to oversee some of the BMES “favorites.”

Chairing a committee doesn’t mean that you are all alone! You will have a board member to help guide you and provide resources and you can pick a friend(s) to lead additional volunteer support.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Last Week = Spirit Week!

Our last week of school is the SGA’s Spirit Week!!


Color Day- each grade wears an assigned color









College Day- show your college spirit



Dress as your favorite character- dress up as your favorite book character



Mismatch Day- wear your most mismatched clothing and hair



Bells Mill Last Spirit Day- Wear your spirit gear for the last spirit day of the year!

Posted in PTA