Principal’s Spotlight, Week of April 22

Please see below for the Spotlight for the week of April 22, or click here for a printable PDF.


Week Ahead:

Mon., April 22           Geography Bowl Tryouts for Grades 3-5

                                        Language Stars Spanish, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 236

                                        Lego Engineering, 3:30-5 pm, rm. 121

                                        Art, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 163


Tues., April 23           Rock Guitar, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 125

                                        Lego Cyber Robotics, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 121

                                        Eco-Kids, 3:30-4:30 pm, rm. 214


Wed., April 24           Beginning French, 8:00-9:00 am, rm.Read Full Post

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PTA News

We hope that everyone enjoyed the Cyber Safety talk last night. Please click here for more articles and information, as recommended by our speaker.


Below is the link to the flyer for Science Curriculum Information Night. Please share this with parents at your local schools.  MCPS executive staff members will present information on the science curriculum for K-12 and there will be time for parents to ask questions.  The event is on Monday, April 22 at Carver Educational Services Center (850 Hungerford Dr.,

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Posted in PTA

PTA Seeking Volunteers for 2013-2014 School Year

Are you looking to make a difference in your child’s school experience? Do you want to volunteer but you are just not sure how you can help? We are looking for people to head up a Nominating Committee to help identify good people for next year’s PTA board. We are also starting to collect names of interested parents who want to help chair fun events next school year. We are looking for any and ALL parents who can help us.

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Spring Enrichment Signup Now

Many classes started this week, but are STILL enrolling for next week! Sign up now at Thanks to all the parent volunteers and teachers who make such a full enrichment schedule possible.
Offering Highlights:
* A new drama class for grades 1-3 from Adventure Theater MTC, on Mondays.
* A new yoga class for 1st graders taught by our own Laura Simon, on Thursdays.
* A new Scrabble club for grades 2-5 to improve vocabulary, spelling skills, pattern recognition and board strategy while playing with friends.
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Entries due MON — Governor for a Day Essay Contest for girls ages 8-12.

In honor of International Women’s Day, Governor Martin O’Malley launched Maryland’s first-ever “Governor for a Day” Essay Contest – an effort aimed at encouraging young women to pursue careers in public service, including in elected office. The contest asks young women ages 8-12 to explain in 400 words why they want to be Governor of Maryland and what they would do if they were Governor for a day. Entries are to be 400 words or less and are due April 15, 2013.

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Cyber-Safety Talk on 4/17

Given recent events and feedback from the last few PTA speakers on cyber-safety and fostering overall respect in our children, the PTA board  has put together a talk on Cyber-Safety for Wednesday, April 7 at 7 p.m. in the media center. This dynamic talk will include speakers who can specifically address  cyber-safety and the growing trend of social media for elementary school-aged children. Please note that recent media attention and events in our own BMES community support that this is not a subject limited to “older” kids.… Read Full Post

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