Donate Gently Used Books

The PTA is collecting children’s books for the little libraries (BMES, the Scotland Community Center, and soon South Lake ES) and Minds in Motion Childcare. Donation boxes will be available in the front hallway. We’ll also have a bin outside for the vocabulary parade on Friday March 1st. 

Books should be appropriate for preschool through middle school students and donations will be accepted until spring break. Thank you for your support!

Posted in PTA

General PTA Meeting this Tuesday, March 5

Our next PTA General Meeting will be on Tuesday March 5, before Bingo Night begins. We will vote to Amend the PTA’s Bylaws, Section XII, Council Membership to correct an error in the number of delegates.

Paragraph a currently reads, “This local PTA/PTSA shall be represented in meetings of the Montgomery County Council of Parent Teacher Associations by the president or alternate, the principal or alternate, and by __6___ delegates or their alternates. All representatives to the council must be members of this local PTA/PTSA.”… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Bingo Night this Tuesday, March 5

Bingo Night is quickly approaching on Tuesday, March 5 in the APR! Doors will open at 5:30pm. Bingo starts at 6:00pm and will end at 7:30pm. Some of your favorite teachers will be the Bingo callers and all children will leave with a prize.

We are excited to announce that the 5th Grade Fundraising Committee will be selling beverages and candy at Bingo Night. CASH ONLY! All proceeds from the beverages and candy sold will go to support the BMES 5th grade promotion activities, including a picnic and a field trip.… Read Full Post

Bells Mill Read-a-Thon Has Begun!

We’re thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! The annual Read-a-Thon is PTA’s BIGGEST FUNDRAISER and we’re counting on you to make it a success. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page and make a donation today. Feel free to share this link with family members as well.

Your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goal of $14,000 for the Read-a-Thon. The class from each grade with the most minutes read will earn a popsicle party, and the class with the overall most funds raised wins a pizza party!… Read Full Post

Restaurant Night TONIGHT Feb. 22 to Support 5th Grade End of Year Activities

Save some time and don’t make dinner plans for tonight! The 5th grade fundraising committee organized a restaurant night at Ledo’s in Westlake on Thursday, Feb 22 from 5-9PM. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to BMES to support 5th grade promotion activities, including a picnic and field trip. The school community is invited to support them! Order in-person (mention Bells Mill) or online at Enter the code “Fundraiser” in the coupon/fundraiser code area on the checkout page.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Read-a-Thon! Starts Monday, Feb. 26

Bells Mill Elementary School PTA is holding a Read-a-thon this year! Read-a-thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more. Our Read-a-thon starts Monday February 26, 2024. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on and following the simple instructions. We’ve chosen Read-a-thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills, and is a great fundraiser for the PTA!… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Bingo Night – March 5

Bingo Night is Tuesday, March 5 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Doors will open at 5:30 pm. Bingo start at 6:00 pm.

If you previously registered, your registration will automatically transfer over to the new date of March 5. We are in need of volunteers to make Bingo Night a success. If you are attending on March 5 and can volunteer, please sign up HERE.

Due to popular demand for this event, we are unable to accept any new registrations at this time.

Model UN Coordinator

BMES Model UN – Spring Session

Model UN (or MUN) is an authentic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly in which students act as country delegates and engage in acts of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making. The program is offered through Global Minds, LLC, founded in 2021 by former Bells Mill/Cabin John parents, Audré Park and Shreelata Durbhakula. Global Minds offers three 8-week instructional sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring) throughout the year, and serves as instructors and administrators to register students in local Model UN conferences at the U.S.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA