Elections for the PTA Board & Approval of the 2020-2021 Budget – TONIGHT

The PTA is required to have an in-person meeting to elect board members and approve the budget for this year. Unfortunately MCCPTA bylaws do not allow us to vote virtually. Because of this we will meet at the Bells Mill parking lot for a socially distanced vote on September 1, 2020 at 6 p.m. We need a minimum of 15 current PTA members present in person. Please wear a mask and maintain a social distance (6 feet) from others.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Make Connections with New Friends

As we welcome new friends to Bells Mill, we’re missing the playground socials and other back to school activities where we meet each other. If you would like to meet some new friends, please share your contact information here so parents can connect individually for their own virtual or socially distanced playdates. Please note that this list is provided for your own information. The school and PTA are not able to sponsor in-person events at this time.

Posted in PTA

PTA Fall Plans and Volunteer Opportunities

The PTA board, committee chairs, parent volunteers and school staff are working closely to coordinate needs and plans for the upcoming year. For example we recently approved a request from the school to help provide additional materials to support distance learning. We also anticipate that many of our traditional activities and events may need to be revisited. We are reaching out to past committee chairs and assessing new needs. Stay tuned for a more specific request for volunteer help soon.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

MCPS Recovery Plan

The Board of Education will vote to approve a final plan on Tuesday, August 25. The first day of school is Monday, August 31.  Review the draft county-wide plan for the fall here

Posted in PTA

Distance Learning Materials Pick-up and Supply List

Many families picked up chromebooks earlier this week. Stay tuned for information on another distribution with additional materials soon, including consumables and student planners. If you were unable to pick up a chromebook, you may do so at that time. Dr. Smith will also distribute a final school supply list as soon as it is available.

Posted in PTA