Bear Post Newsletter

In addition to our weekly emails, this year we’ll be distributing a paper copy of the Bear Post newsletter. You may have noticed one in your child’s folder this week. It’s also available here. We also sent home this printable version of the calendar. There are lots of events coming up!

Posted in PTA

Volunteer Opportunities

The PTA is always looking for volunteers and there are lots of ways to help in ways larger and small.  Despite busy schedules, we hope you can find a way to help out!  Check out our volunteer interest form to learn about volunteer opportunities, particularly where we are looking for help this year.

Posted in PTA

Need to Register SOON for Fall Enrichment!

A few of the Fall Enrichment courses are low on enrollment and could be cancelled without a minimum number of students.  If you wanted to enroll in Chess or Creative Drama – now is the time so they don’t have to cancel!

Check out the flyer to see what great activities we have on tap – there is something for all ages and interests!  Fall session runs from Sept 23-Nov 18th from 4-5p.  Registration runs is open until Sept16th. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Teacher & Staff Welcome Breakfast – Could use a few more items! (Aug 28)

Please note the date for the breakfast is AUGUST 28th, not AUGUST 23rd. 

With the pending start of the new school year, the PTA is kicking off the welcome events with a special breakfast for our teachers/staff!  These events help to remind the teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do for us and our children!  Please consider signing up to provide an item or make a donation to help.

The breakfast will be on Wednesday, August 28th. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Mrs. O’s August Newsletter – Back to School info enclosed!

Please see the attached August newsletter from Mrs. O which outlines all of the important information you will need for the coming school year.  We recommend reading the newsletter in its entirety.  This important newsletter includes information about school supplies (please double check this list as there are slight variations from the original list supplied!), 1st day procedures, pick up/drop off procedures, staffing changes and the 2019-2020 MCPS calendar.  Embedded in the newsletter are links for the bus schedule as well as the September lunch menu!

Posted in PTA

Incoming Kinder Playdate on Sunday!

Our back to school activities begin in August to help welcome new students and our entire student body!

August 11th – Come join us for our incoming Kindergarten Summer Playdate from 4-5p at the Bells Mill playground. This is a great opportunity to meet new parents and students to start to make connections ahead of the busy back to school schedule in September!

August 30th – Our Open House for all students runs from 9-11a followed by a popsicle social on the playground.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

We need your old iPhones, Androids and iPods!

The PTA is looking for older iPhones, iPods, or Android phones that have a traditional headphone jack. In order to facilitate credit card payments for PTA Memberships, Spirit Wear, and other events, our credit card readers require phones with headphone jacks. Please contact Matthew Barlow at [email protected] if you have a device you are willing to donate. The PTA is a 501(c)3 non-profit and we’d be happy to provide a receipt for your donation.

Posted in PTA

PTA Fall Preview — membership, spirit wear, back to school events, and more!

With back to school fast approaching, we’ve been busy! We bought classmates planners for Grades 3-5, set the calendar for the year’s PTA activities, and planned a playdate for the incoming kindergartners. Now we’re updating the website and getting ready for our fall membership drive, spirit wear sales, and more. It’s going to be a great year! Stay tuned for more info!

Posted in PTA