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Our weekly Bear Posts are the best and most complete source of news from the PTA. But did you know that our Facebook page is where we post pictures, send out quick updates, and share news from MCPS and the MC Council of PTAs? Like us here.

Posted in PTA

Bear Posts!

It’s almost August! Summer sure does fly by. Keep your eyes open for more Bear Posts in your inbox throughout the rest of the summer to get you up and ready for the 2019-2020 school year. You will be receiving more info on spirit wear, PTA memberships and other important information for September.

Make sure you spread the word for those new to our Bells Mill community to sign up for Bear Posts. This is the best way to stay on top of all of the school and PTA activities.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Thanks for a great year!

As we wrap up the final week of school, the PTA would like to thank you all for your support this past year. With your help, we were able to further our mission to promote learning and strengthen the community as Bells Mill celebrated 50 years of excellence! It was quite a year that was made possible by the collective efforts of many. We extend our thanks to:

• The PTA Board for their passion, commitment, and service.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Bells Mill Bash – June 7th PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!

Our end of the year celebration, Bells Mill Bash, will be June 7th from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. We will have inflatables, obstacle course, face painting, popcorn/cotton candy and food trucks.

In order to make this event safe and fun for everyone, we need parent volunteers! Please consider helping out for the last big event of the year. We also have SSL volunteer opportunities.

Admission is $15 for children 5-17 at the door (parents and children under 5 are free).… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Last Day of School

Reminder that our last day of school is JUNE 14th and is an early release day.  We have full days of school through June 13th.  Summer is here!

Posted in PTA

End of Year Gifts

At this time of year many of you are thinking of ways to honor the great work your teachers have done this year. A wonderful way to thank them is considering a donation to one of the following memorial funds, The Bear Hug Fund(created in memory of former principal Kay Holliday), The Sharon Davis Mathematics Fund(created in memory of second grade teacher Sharon Davis) and the Kurt Shanfield Math Fund(created in memory of one of our parents extraordinaire who volunteered many hours to our students).… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

5th Grade Promotion – Attn 4th Grade Parents!!

Just a reminder that our 5th grade promotion ceremony for our rising 6th graders will be on Wednesday, June 12th at WCHS from 6:30-8:30pm.  In order for our 5th grade families to enjoy the event with their children, traditionally our 4th grade parents have provided volunteer help.  Please see the Sign Up Genius to see how you can help!  There are plenty of volunteer opportunities as well as some goods that are still needed for the ceremony, please consider lending a hand!

Posted in PTA