PTA Donations!!

There is still time to support your school PTA programs and help us close our budget shortfall. Please remember to return your PTA donations in the envelope sent home or online at by Nov. 2nd. Every year we rely on your generous family donations to support the enriching PTA programs for our students and teachers. In order to avoid fundraising throughout the year, we ask every family to donate $100 towards our enrichment programs and pay the $25 PTA membership fee.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Spirit Wear orders arriving in mid-November

Thank you to everyone who placed an order for Spirit Wear!

If you placed an order during the Back to School Sale (Aug 9 – Oct 14), your items will be sent home in mid-November through the youngest BMES student in your family that you indicated. The Spirit Wear committee will deliver the items to your student’s homeroom teacher and teachers will then pass along to your student. Thank you, teachers!

If you placed an order during the Summer Pre-Sale (Jul 1 – Aug 8, 2018) you should have received your items already.

Posted in PTA

Skate Night This Saturday!

Join us for the annual Bells Mill PTA Spirit Night at Cabin John Ice Arena on Saturday, October 27 from 6:30-8:00 pm. If you have not already turned in your form, you will have to pay the full skating admission price of $7.00. All skaters that require skate rental will need to pay the fee of $4.00. All family & friends of current BMES students are welcome. Please note this is NOT a drop off event – no child will be admitted unless accompanied by a responsible adult.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Mandatory Volunteer Training!

With the Halloween party fast approaching, just a reminder that ALL VOLUNTEERS who come to BMES must complete the mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect training program provided by MCPS.  This is a 30 minute online course and once completed you will need to submit the certificate to the front office at BMES.  The training must be completed once every 3 years, so you do not have to take annually.

Posted in PTA

Halloween Parties – Please Read!

As you are likely aware, there have been some changes to how we will conduct our Halloween parties.  (Please see Mrs. O’s newsletter for more detailed information).  While this is a big change for parents who have traditionally enjoyed spending time with their children during the party,  it is only through these measures that the school can continue to remain committed to providing the safest environment for our children at all times.  Understanding that these new procedures limits resources for room parents who are planning the party, there have been some additional changes to help accommodate. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Celebrity Scooper lineup for Baskin Robbins!

Come join us for our Celebrity Scoop night at Baskin Robbins after getting dinner at Cal Tort for Restaurant Night on Wednesday, Oct 24.  Wondering when your favorite celebrity scooper is going to be there?   See the schedule below to make sure you can catch your favorite current, past or future teacher!

5-530p:  Ms. Matthews, Ms. Rooke, Ms. McKee

5:30-6:30p:  Miss Hickey, Ms. Abramson, Mrs. Over

6:00-6:30p:  Ms. Jackson, Ms. Lillis, Ms. Weisenthal

6:30-7:30p:  Ms. Davidson, Ms.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Principal’s Tea – Grades 2nd/3rd TONIGHT

Please join Mrs. Jerri Oglesby, Bells Mill principal and parents of Second and Third grade students, for the Grades 2/3 Principal’s Tea TONIGHT, October 18th at 6:30 PM in the Media Center.

Principal’s teas are informal ways to discuss grade specific items with the principal and fellow parents of that grade level.

At the Grades 2/3 Principal’s Tea, Mrs. Oglesby plans to discuss Second and Third grade specific topics. She will also provide time to respond to questions you may have.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Restaurant & Scoop Night – Oct 24

Come join us at Cal Tort for Restaurant Night on Oct 24.  Tell them you’re with Bells Mill and proceeds will be donated to our PTA.  After dinner, come on by to Baskin Robbins for dessert at Celebrity Scoop Night and see your favorite BMES staff and faculty serving ice cream!

Posted in PTA

Sale ends Sunday for Spirit Wear!

Prepare for the cold weather season and Spirit Fridays all year long with Spirit Wear for any weather. Wear a hoodie over a short sleeve T-Shirt or baseball raglan or even sweatpants over shorts. Sale ends Sunday, Oct 14 at 12pm, so this is your LAST CHANCE to order spirit wear for the 50th Anniversary school year of BMES. Put your orders in today!

Send [email protected] a picture of your crew in Bear Wear, and we’ll post it on Facebook or Bear Posts when sending reminders about Spirit Friday.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA