Camp Bells Mill & Kinder Camp

This unique opportunity for our children will be offered July 9 through July 27 from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm.  It is designed and taught by our very own Bells Mill superstar staff.  Our Kindercamp is offered for all incoming kindergarten students and provides rich experiences while assisting with the transition from pre-school to kindergarten.  There is a tuition for the program that can be offered at a sliding scale if needed.  Please contact Mrs.Over ([email protected]) … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

International Festival – this Friday

The annual BMES International Festival is here!  Come by to experience the cultural diversity in the BMES student body.  There will be performances, games, food, music and much more as you learn about so many different countries.  Doors open at 7pm on Friday, May 11th.  See you then!

Posted in PTA

Restaurant/Celebrity Scoop Night – May 16th

It’s finally spring! Come out to support BMES at our Cal Tort Restaurant Night and Baskin Robbins Celebrity Scoop Night on Wednesday, May 16th from 5-9PM..

Grab dinner at the Cabin John Cal Tort with your BMES buddies and see some of your favorite BMES staff members scooping ice cream behind the counter at the Cabin John Baskin Robbins.

See the attached flyers for details.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Posted in PTA

Staff Appreciation Week!

Staff Appreciation Week is almost here.  See the Sign Up Genius to see how you can help!

This week is our opportunity to show our Bells Mill teachers and staff how grateful we are for all that they do for our children!  We have so much fun in store for the week!

(1) A breakfast on Monday, May 7.

(2) A coffee bar on Tuesday, May 8.

(3) Bring Your Teacher a Note Day on Wednesday, May 9.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Census Survey

Please return the census survey sent home in backpacks.  BMES has to adjust staffing in order to properly meet the needs of the student body.

Posted in PTA

Final PTA general meeting is May 1. We need attendance!!

The last PTA meeting for all dues paying members will be on May 1st, 6:30-7:30pm in the Media Room. The focus of the meeting will be to vote in new Board members and the budget for 2018-2019. We need minimum attendance in order to vote on these two important PTA business matters. A successful vote will ensure next years’s PTA events will go uninterrupted. We hope to see your support at the final meeting of the school year!… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Open PTA Positions for 2018-2019

Open PTA board positions for 2018-2019:

President Elect/1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
The PTA Board ensures that funds and volunteers support our classrooms, events and activities for our BMES community. If you would like to learn more, please contact the current PTA board at [email protected]. We hope to have candidates for the last PTA general meeting on May 1st.

Our kids and teachers need parents who are interested in the improvement and the growth of the Bells Mill PTA, so please consider becoming a 2018-2019 board member.

Posted in PTA