Volunteers for PTA Nominating Committee

The PTA board would like to ask all PTA members who are interested in supporting the nomination process for PTA board 2018-2019 to step forward. The volunteers forming the nominating committee would be responsible for nominating eligible persons for open PTA board positions and reporting their nominees to the general membership 10 days prior to the PTA election day that will take place during the general membership meeting on May 1st. We encourage all BMES PTA members who are interested in participating in the nomination process or would like to find out more information to send an email to  [email protected] … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Seeking Volunteers for Financial Committee

The PTA is seeking 3-4 volunteers to serve on the financial committee. The financial committee will be responsible for assisting the treasurer with planning the 2018-2019 PTA budget. It is anticipated that the financial committee will need to meet 1-2 times and converse via email. Next year’s budget will need to be finalized mid-April so it can be approved by the membership at the May PTA meeting.

If you are interested in serving on the financial committee, please send an email to Shelley: [email protected]

Posted in PTA

STEM Smart Program at Davis Library this Spring!!

The Children’s Librarians at the Davis Branch of the Montgomery County Public Library is pleased to announce that they are hosting an exciting new program, called STEM Smart, for elementary and middle school students this spring at Davis for kids ages 10-14.

The program is facilitated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), who are local to the area. It starts March 3, 2018. The primary scientists are a biochemist and an engineer with different activities every week.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Girls on the Run Spring Registration OPEN

It is time once again to register your 3rd-5th-grade daughter for the spring Girls on the Run season at Bells Mill. Girls on the Run is an organization where they inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through their research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-5th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Don’t Be Distracted Creative Contest -DEADLINE APPROACHING

Attention Montgomery County Public School Students!
Don’t Be Distracted Creative Contest Deadline is February 16, 2018 – Enter Now!

Create a 30-60 second public service announcement (PSA) video or artwork about one or both of the following topics:

1. Tell your peers the importance of not walking or driving distracted.
2. Tell adults the importance of not being distracted while driving, especially in school zones.

By entering, you could win $500 for college tuition or a $100 Chick-Fil-A or Chipotle gift card!… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA


Are you a 4th or 5th grade parent whose child has previously competed in the BMES Geo Bowl, or may be interested in competing this year? Are you the parent of a 3rd grader who eats, sleeps and breathes geography? If so, we need you! The co-chairs of this year’s Geography Bowl are seeking a few parent volunteers to join their team. Team members will:

** help create Geo Bowl packets;
** grade Geo Bowl quizzes administered by 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers;
** serve as score keepers, judges, time keepers and party hosts during the week of the Geo Bowl.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Seeking Tech Savvy PTA Volunteers for a Project

The PTA board is in search of volunteers to help implement improvements to the monthly PTA meetings in order to increase out-reach and attendance. This includes adopting technical solutions to enable the PTA member families to participate remotely in the PTA meetings and view live broadcast of the PTA meeting presentations. We encourage tech-savvy parents with novel ideas who would be interested to assist to contact Tina Ehtiati at [email protected]

Posted in PTA


  • The 5th grade class is working together to fundraise for their year-end celebrations. Please consider supporting them to spread love this Valentine’s Day.
  • The 5th grade invites all Bells Mill students, parents and teachers to participate in the their Valentine’s Day wishing wall!
  • It’s easy to participate: Buy a heart for $1 and write your wish for the school this Valentine’s Day, all proceeds go toward the 5th grade fund. 
  • 5th graders and parent volunteers will sell hearts for $1 on February 7, 8 and 9th during all three lunch periods, just outside of the cafeteria!
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Posted in PTA

Montgomery Parks Arbor Day Video Contest

Join Montgomery Parks arborists and celebrate Arbor Day at your school. The annual Arbor Day Video Contest is underway and is a great way to get students to understand the importance trees play in their environment.

Who: Montgomery Parks’ Arboriculture experts will provide students the opportunity to explore and discover the benefit of trees and how they impact our environment and our lives.

What: The Arbor Day Video Contest is open to third, fourth, and fifth grade students, and the video theme will highlight how trees are superheroes.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA