PTA meeting Nov. 7th 7:00-8:00pm at the Media Center: Teachers Panel Discussion on Elementary Math Program

Do you wonder about the purpose of the 3rd grade weekly Math puzzles? Are you interested in finding out more about compact math programs for 4th & 5th graders? Would you like to find out more about the learning goals for your child based on the Common Core State Standard for Mathematics? We invite you to attend an interesting and informative session on the topic of “Elementary Math Curriculum” at our next PTA meeting, November 7, at 7:00pm.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Donate Extra Halloween Candy for the Troops and First Responders! Due by 11/3

The BMES SGA will collect extra Halloween candy to send to deployed troops and first responders through Operation Gratitude. Please bring in unopened Halloween candy to student drop off on the mornings until this Friday, November 3. The SGA will collect candy and have materials available for students to write cards for troops. BMES is partnering with MVPSmiles, a local pediatric dentist to support the costs of shipping the candy. MVPSmiles will also donate toothbrushes to both students and the troops.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Skate Night – This Saturday!

See the attached brochure for more information on Skate Night!  Hope you see you there.

Join us for the annual Bells Mill PTA Spirit Night at Cabin John Ice Arena on Saturday, October 28 from 6:30-8:00 pm.  Please pre-register by Tuesday, October 24th or you will have to pay the full skating admission price of $7.00 (plus skate rental fees, as needed).  All family & friends of current BMES students are welcome.  Please note this is NOT a drop off event – no child will be admitted unless accompanied by a responsible adult.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Arts Reflections Entries – DUE NOVEMBER 3rd!!

We are so excited to announce the open call for Submissions for the 2017-2018 Reflections Art Program!

PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the 2017-2018 theme: Within Reach

To participate, see the attached student entry form and official rules guidelines.

Deadline is Friday, November 3rd (bin for entries in the front office)

Student Entry Forms, physical arts entry and digital copy (either Flash Drive or CD) must be submitted to qualify.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Club Bells Mill

Club Bells Mill: Fall for Fun Featuring Reptiles Alive!
Saturday October 21, 6:00-8:00pm

This is the chance to drop off your kids for 2 hours of fun with friends, dancing to DJ music, jumping in a Moon Bounce, participating at arts and crafts, and playing gym games while being supervised by parent volunteers!

Included is educational entertainment by REPTILES ALIVE at  6:30-7:15pm !

The kids will get the chance to see and learn more about the reptiles during hands on educational session!… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Volunteers Needed – Club Bells Mill!!

It is only through the efforts of our volunteers that we can continue to have safe and fun activities for the kids and families.  We are still in need of some parent and SSL volunteers to help ensure the event runs smoothly.  Please consider volunteering to sell tickets, facilitate crafts, and more.  Check out the link and come on through!!

Posted in PTA

Restaurant Night & Celebrity Scoop Night

Celebrity Scoop Night is coming!

Date: Wednesday, Oct 25th
Time: 5-9PM
Location: Cabin John Baskin Robbins

Come see your favorite BMES Staff Members behind the counter scooping ice cream at the Cabin John Baskin Robbins. Many of our wonderful staff will be volunteering for this fun event, so join them for a delicious treat!


California Tortilla Restaurant Night

Date: Wednesday, Oct 25th
Time: 5-9PM
Location: Cabin John California Tortilla

Before (or after!) your Baskin Robbins stop, head over the Cal Tort to support the BMES PTA.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA