The MCCPTA Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for MCCPTA officer positions for the 2020-2021 school year. The positions are:
Vice President for Educational Issues
Vice President for Administration
Vice President for Programs
Vice President for Advocacy
Recording Secretary, Board of Directors
Recording Secretary, Delegates Assembly
Area Vice Presidents
Cluster Coordinators
February 21 – all nominations are due; this will include completion of these two files. (Area VPs and CCs are due later and will be discussed in a separate email)
After February 21, the nominating committee may seek additional nominees for positions if qualified candidates have not been nominated.
By March 28, the nominating committee will announce the slate of candidates.
After the slate is announced, anyone who wants to run for a position from the floor at the election must notify the nominating committee by April 14 (14 days before the election)
April 28 delegates assembly- election
Nominees should represent the diversity and strength of our membership, continue to provide leadership and support for local PTAs in the coming year, and be committed to the overall mission of PTA. Our goal is to ensure that MCCPTA has strong and skillful leaders who will work together to advocate for our children.
Please read the excerpts below from the MCCPTA Bylaws describing the required qualifications for nominees.
Thank you
Members of the 2020-2021 Nominating Committee
Michele Moller (DCC)
Chris Rutledge (AT LARGE)
Section 4. The following provisions shall govern the eligibility of individuals to be officers of the MCCPTA:
a. # Each officer shall be a member of a local PTA within the area of this council PTA.
b. Only members of a local PTA whose state and council PTA dues are paid shall be eligible to hold office. The president, vice president for educational issues, vice president for administration, vice president for programs, and vice president for advocacy shall have served at least one (1) full year on a local PTA board of directors and one (1) full year on the council board of directors. The recording secretary for delegate assemblies, recording secretary for board of directors meetings, and treasurer shall have served at least one (1) full year on a local PTA board of directors or one (1) full year on the council board of directors.
c. MCCPTA treasurer cannot concurrently be treasurer or check signer of a local PTA.
d. A term of office shall be one year or until a successor is elected. No officer may be eligible to serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office.
e. A person who has served in an office for more than one half of a full term shall be deemed to have served a full term in such office.
f. Any officer of MCCPTA shall resign within a week of filing for candidacy for public office.
Section 7. Nominating Committee
f. The nominating committee shall nominate one (1) candidate for the offices of president, vice-president for educational issues, vice-president for administration, vice-president for programs, vice-president for advocacy, recording secretary for delegate assemblies, recording secretary for board of directors meetings, and treasurer.
g. The nominating committee shall send the list of nominees and their qualifications to the members of the Board of Directors and to the local PTA presidents and delegates at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination. The nominated slate will include nominations for Area Vice Presidents and Cluster Coordinators (see Article VIIIA, Section 4).
h. The nominating committee must be notified of the intention to run from the floor at least fourteen (14) days prior to election, provided the consent of each candidate has been obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination and candidates have met all qualifications specified in Section 4 of these bylaws and are prepared to present qualifications as specified by the nominating part of the nomination selection process. The nominating committee shall send the list of individuals who plan to run from the floor to the members of the Board of Directors and to the local PTA presidents and delegates at least seven (7) days before the annual meeting.