We need your support for the Bells Mill STEM+families night on Friday, January 31st, 6:30-8:00pm. Please RSVP here to attend. There is no cost, but we need to get a good sense of how many people will attend.
We are still looking for parent volunteers to support the hands on activities and experiments. All parents are encouraged to volunteer for supporting the STEM activities! The activities range from simple and interesting chemical reactions with every day material, building models to understand how our body works, to small coding projects. The detailed experiment/activity instructions, complete information, and all required material will be provided to the volunteers by the STEM committee.
If you are interested and would be able to support demoing the experiments and the hands on activities during the STEM night please let us know by visiting the SignUpGenius and volunteering your time. Please contact Tina Ehtiati at [email protected] for further information on the experiments and activities planned for the STEM night.