See the below letter from Mrs. Park in our Art Room. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!!
Dear artist fans,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. The first marking period has flown by and I can’t believe we’re already halfway through the second marking period. The artists in the art room have been working very hard to produce wonderful original works of art that show their creativity.
I am sending this letter out because I need your help. The art room needs your donations. Most supplies on the list are recyclable materials commonly found around the home, while others are supplies you may be willing to donate. Throughout the year, many art projects will be created from the reuse and re-purposing of everyday common objects.
If you have other unique items that are not on the list but think they could be used in art, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Park @ [email protected]. We appreciate any donations to use in class throughout the year. We are very creative artists and can find a use for most things!
• Magazines (content must be appropriate for elementary school students)
• Decorative items from different cultures (cloths, sculptures, prints, etc.)
• Empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls
• Paper plates of any size
• Flat cardboard pieces
• Wallpaper books
• Plastic dishes with lids (butter/margarine – Cool Whip)
• Pringles cans – Lays Stax – (any plastic container with a lid)
• Black Sharpies (any size tip)
• Pipe cleaners/chenille stems
• Coffee cans with lids
• Ziploc storage bags (any size)
• Baby wipes
• Aluminum foil
• Wax paper
• Plexiglas (any size)
• Beads
• Ribbons
• Old calendars with interesting pictures
• Seashells
• Wine corks
• Old animal books or animal magazines
• “How to” art books for our classroom library
• Books from hairstylists (full frontal faces and facial features)
• Plastic cups/paper cups
• Old records / CD’s
• Silk flowers
• Sponges
Thank you for your support! Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Again my email address is: [email protected]
Best regards,
Mrs. Park from the art room