On Monday, November 25 Bells Mill delivered more than 50 Thanksgiving meals to South Lake Elementary School in Montgomery Village. The SLES then distributed them to families in need of support this holiday. We collected 100% of all the items on our checklist as well as more than $1000 to purchase turkeys. Any leftover funds will be used to support future partnerships between Bells Mill and South Lake. As sister schools we will work together to support and enhance the educational opportunities for all of our children.
This was truly a community effort that we were able to pull together on fairly short notice! We would like to recognize the efforts and contributions of Bells Mill staff who identified the opportunity and helped coordinate, several parent volunteers who helped coordinate and organize food donations, the Bells Mill Girl Scout Troops for making signs and sorting donations, Kaitlin and her staff at Bar-T for making the delivery, Giant in Potomac Village for helping us secure 50 turkeys when other plans fell through, the Friedson Group for donating 50 bags to deliver the meals, and our generous Bells Mill community. We are truly blessed.