PTA Read-A-Thon Begins March 10

The BMES PTA has decided to host a Read-A-Thon this year! Read-A-Thons get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more. Our Read-A-Thon will start on Monday, March 10.

We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on and following the instructions. About one week before the Read-A-Thon starts, we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader’s personal page.… Read Full Post

BMES PTA Talent Show February 7 and Volunteers Needed

Calling all Bells Mill student talent! The BMES PTA Talent Show is on February 7 (there will be one talent show for all grades). If your child (or your child with a group) would like to participate in the Talent Show, please complete the Google Form. Everyone is invited to participate, but due to time constraints, each student can participate in only one performance (e.g., either a solo act or an act with a group, but not both)!… Read Full Post

Community Corner

Each week in the Bear Post we will share information from other schools in the cluster or community events that provide opportunities to connect and help each other. If you have anything you would like to add, email [email protected]While these are not sponsored or endorsed by the BMES PTA, we’re happy to help share information as appropriate.

Flag Football Clinic for 3rd-8th Grade Girls
The Churchill Varsity Girls Flag Football team is hosting a flag football skills clinic for girls in 3rd–8th grade.… Read Full Post

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a Poster for BMES

Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15). Today, students participated in a special Cultural Arts Assembly to honor this important month. We’re inviting Hispanic and/or Latino families to create posters that showcase the diverse countries and cultures we’re celebrating. Ms. Pilar Busto, one of our parents, is helping coordinate these family posters for our school.

If you’d like to participate and create a poster for display at Bells Mill, please fill out the poster volunteer form by October 7, 2024.… Read Full Post

MCCPTA’s Gifted Education Committee (GEC)

We are excited to introduce Julia Chuang, as the BMES liaison to MCCPTA’s Gifted Education Committee (GEC). If you are interested in accelerated and enriched
instruction at BMES, please reach out to her so she can better understand your child’s needs.

It’s her role to coordinate advocacy for our students – let’s see what we can get done! You can reach Julia at [email protected]

In addition, you can join the GEC listserv by sending an email, along with your child’s school
and grade, to [email protected].… Read Full Post

Registration for Odyssey of the Mind – Closes Tomorrow

Odyssey of the Mind is an international program aimed at developing creative problem-solving skills in children of all ages.  The program encourages teamwork, critical analysis of ideas, effective conflict resolution, flexible creative thinking, and on-stage performance skills.  Students are placed in teams of 5-7 students based on grade level, interests, child preferences, and balance. Grades 1-2 participate in Primary Division and Grades 3-5 in Division 1.  Participants have the opportunity to compete at the Maryland State Tournament in the Spring, with the potential to advance to the World Finals.… Read Full Post

Registration is Now Open for Model UN Fall Session

Model United Nations (or Model UN) is an authentic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly in which students act as country delegates and engage in acts of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making. The program is offered through Global Minds, LLC, founded in 2021 by former Bells Mill/Cabin John parents, Audré Park and Shreelata Durbhakula.

Global Minds offers three 8-week instructional sessions (Fall, Winter, and Spring) throughout the year, and serves as administrators to register students in local Model UN conferences at the U.S.… Read Full Post

Reflections Art Competition Winners

The school-wide Reflections Art Competition has been judged, and students were selected from each category to compete in the county-level Reflections Competition. Please congratulate and celebrate the following Bells Mill Bears – wishing you the best of luck in the next round of the competition!

Dance: Jennifer Dong

Literature: Primary: Caden Xin; Intermediate: Clara Lee and Allen Xin

Music: Brian Xin

Photography: Candice Xu, Rosalie Cullum

Visual Art Primary: Caden Xin, Caitlyn Xu, and Talia Jin; Intermediate: Angelina Jiang, Brian Xin, and Allen Xin

Community Corner

Each week in Bear Post we will share information from other schools in the cluster or community events that provide opportunities to connect and help each other. If you have anything you would like to add, email [email protected]While these are not sponsored or endorsed by the BMES PTA, we’re happy to help share information as appropriate.

Girls on the Run: We would love to bring back Girls on the Run to Bells Mill this spring!… Read Full Post