Reminder! Tonight – Town Hall with Dr. Monifa McKnight

MCPS Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight will share her vision for MCPS and discuss disturbing recent anti-semetic incidents in county schools. This program is open to the public and intended for all MCPS parents and guardians, teachers, and middle and high school students. It is closed to press.

Thursday, March 23, 2023 – 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac

Posted in PTA

Bell’s Mill’s got talent

Congratulations to our talented students on terrific talent shows! Thank you to the parents who helped coordinate and volunteer for this event, including: Jennifer Nwadike, Amanda Klueger, Scott Cullum,Ugo Nwadike Teresa Weingart, John Sorrent, Tianying Chen, Jackie Ocasio, Emily Turek, and Mahesh Aiyer.

Congratulations to our National PTA Reflections participants who were honored at this year’s show. Thank you to Holly Cullum and Xiao Xiao Min for coordinating the BMES Reflections program and putting together the art show of the entrants’ work.

Posted in PTA

Calling Incoming Kindergarten Families!

BMES is beginning to connect with families who intend to send their child to kindergarten at Bells Mill for the 2023-2024 year.  If you have a child who will turning five “5” by September 1, 2023 (or know someone who does) please complete the Kindergarten Intent Form. BMES will use this information to contact families with important information and updates around registration, family meetings, and orientation!

Incoming Kindergarten ~ Flier

Incoming Kindergarten Intent Form  

Posted in PTA

Our Read-a-Thon fundraiser ends tomorrow, March 7!

Thank you to everyone who has recorded their students reading time, donated and supported this year’s PTA sponsored Read-A-Thon! So far students have read for an impressive 162,886 minutes and raised $17,379 for the PTA! Let’s keep it up for a final reading and fundraising push!

You have until tomorrow, March 7, donate and record your students reading time. Don’t forget! The class in each grade that logs the most reading time will win a popsicle party!… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Science Fair & STEM Night Thank You

Last week’s Science Fair and STEM Night was a huge success! Congratulations to all of our Science Fair participants- the experiments were so creative and thoughtfully presented! Thank you to our STEM Night volunteers for arranging fun, engaging activities and demonstrations for our students. A big thank you to our event chair, Helen Maurer, for all of the time and energy she put into making this event fun and educational for all!

Posted in PTA

Volunteers needed for TALENT SHOW – 3/10 and 3/17

Calling all Bells Mill student talent! The BMES PTA Talent Shows are on March 10 (grades K-2) and March 17 (grades 3-5). If your child would like to participate in the Talent Show, please complete the Google Form below. Everyone is invited to participate!

We also need parent help to make the talent shows a success and run smoothly. We are looking for:

On Deck Volunteers (K-1 show): fetch the upcoming performer from the “green room” (art classroom) and wait with them before they go on stage

Green Room Volunteers (K-2 show): supervise the children who are waiting to perform in the green room (art classroom)- help coordinate or supervise quiet activities (some provided by the PTA, others brought by individual children)

If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please email Jennifer Nwadike at [email protected]Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

BMES Model UN – Attention 5th graders!

This is an invitation to join us at Global Minds LLC for BMES Model UN for the Spring session, the last session for the school year. Global Minds offers three 8-week instructional sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring) throughout the year, and serves as instructors and administrators to register students in local Model UN conferences at the U.S. Department of State, universities, high schools and middle schools throughout the DMV area. 

Date & Time: Spring session starts, Thursday, February 23 at 8:00 am, ends on April 20 (8 weeks) and meets in Ms.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

WCHS Mulch Sale

The Winston Churchill Athletics Program is holding its first annual spring mulch sale to support our athletic teams and the student athletes with the help of Denchfield Landscaping Inc. All proceeds will go towards equipment for athletes, facility improvement, and to meet the needs of all of our student-athletes and their teams. Your orders will go a long way to keeping WCHS Athletics amongst the best in the state of Maryland. We are also offering families the opportunity to donate mulch to the beautification of their school.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Yearbook: Submit your pictures! Parent volunteers needed!

The PTA is excited to design the yearbook this year! Parents and staff are invited to submit photos to help us remember the school year! If you’ve got great photos of school and community events we’d like to see them! This could include:

   • PTA events, including the back to school picnic, Magic & Muffins, and the Outdoor Movie

   • Fall festival events and costume parade

   • Spirit days

   • Community service projects at the school

   • Sledding at Bells Mill on snow days

   • Sports teams or clubs associated with Bells Mill 

   • Class projects and other special memories

Please do not submit pictures taken at private events, such as birthday parties or playdates.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA