School-wide Vocabulary Parade – Tomorrow!

Friday, February 24 is our School-Wide Vocabulary Parade at 10:15AM on the blacktop. Parents are invited to watch!

CREATE. Help your child select an AWESOME vocabulary word for this project. It should be one that would be fun to make a costume to show the meaning. Design the costume using paper, boxes, hats, etc. Be sure your child can see and walk safely!

MAKE A VOCABULARY CARD. Make a large vocabulary card with your child’s word on it so everyone knows what vocabulary word is being represented.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

STEM Night & Science Fair – Tomorrow, 2/24, 6-8PM

The PTA is excited to host a combined Science Fair & STEM Night on Friday, February 24 at 6-8 pm! Join us for a fun night featuring the hard work our students have put into their Science Fair presentations, as well as hands-on STEM activities with water balloons, edible DNA, chemical reactions, and more! No RSVP required. This is not a drop-off event.

Posted in PTA

Congratulations to our Reflections Art Program honorees!

BMES is proud to announce that 6 students from our school community are honorees in this year’s MCCPTA Reflections Program:

Visual Arts: Vivian Tang, Award of Merit (Intermediate group)

Literature: Javier Gilbert, Award of Excellence (Primary group)

Dance: Jennifer Dong, Award of Excellence (Primary group); Surina Chawla, Honorable Mention (Intermediate group)

Photography: Rosalie Cullum, Award of Excellence (Primary group); Sloane Cypes, Award of Excellence (Intermediate group)

These students will be celebrated by the MCCPTA at an awards ceremony in May and all of them will compete in the state Reflections Program. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Call for Science Fair Projects!

Calling all student scientists!  The BMES Science Fair will be held on Friday, February 24, 2023 from 6-8pm in the Bells Mill ES APR.  Create a display to share with others or simply come and explore all the wonderful experiments from your classmates.  If you are interested in showcasing your independent experiment, please sign up no later than Feb 14, 2023 using this link.  Information about projects and displays can be found here.  If you have any questions, please email Helen Maurer at [email protected]. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

STEM NIGHT Event Chair and Volunteers Needed

Our annual STEM Night & Science Fair will be held on February 24. We are looking for a volunteer to help lead the STEM Night portion of the program. We use the APR and a number of classrooms for students to use microscopes, build DNA models, learn to code and much, much more! We are looking for a volunteer who can help finalize the selection of activities, purchase materials (reimbursed, of course!), and coordinate on STEM Night.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

WCHS Presents Peter and the Starcatcher

Ever wonder how Peter and the Lost Boys got to Neverland in the first place? Based on Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s 2006 humorous young adult novel and adapted for the stage by Rick Elice, the play Peter and the Starcatcher shares the backstory of Peter and his pals.

A tale of marauding and magic and hijinx on the high seas, Peter and the Starcatcher is a delight for audience members of all ages.

Performances Friday, February 10th at 7pm, Saturday, February 11th at 2pm and 7pm, and Sunday, February 12th at 2pm.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Save the Date – March Talent Shows

We’re excited to welcome back our talent shows this year! The talent shows will be held on Friday, March 10 (grades K-2) and Friday, March 17 (grades 3-5). New this year we will also feature BMES entries to the National PTA Reflections Art program. Stay tuned for more information on how to participate. If you are interested in volunteering — on-deck volunteers, AV technicians, green room and more — email [email protected].

Posted in PTA

More Lunch and Recess Volunteers Needed

Thank you to the recess and lunch volunteers for helping out! The Signup Genius has been updated with additional dates — parents and guardians, please sign up to help if you can!

If you are interested in volunteering for lunch and recess, check out the Informational Meeting Slides that were shared at the September 12th informational session. Make sure you have completed the MCPS Child Abuse and Neglect Training, and you have a copy or screenshot of the grades page before arriving at school.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

BINGO Night — thank you!

The annual Family BINGO Night was a lot of fun – we had more than 300 players and every player ended up with a prize by the end of the night! We appreciate the teachers who volunteered to be our BINGO callers – Mrs. Abramson, Mrs. Lillis, Mrs. Tripodi, Mr. Eifler, Ms. Sanati, Ms. Ginsberg, Mrs. Park, and Mrs. Kemp. We had a full house and it went very smoothly! Thanks to organizers Jessica Farnsworth, Tiffany MacSlarrow, and Amanda Klueger and the many volunteers who pitched in to set up, check-in players, pass out food, and cleanup.

Posted in PTA