Donate a Thanksgiving Meal to Families in Need 

This Thanksgiving, consider donating a meal to families in need through Nourish Now, a local non-profit dedicated to food assistance. Each family will receive a meal box with stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes/yams, cornbread, macaroni & cheese, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, corn green beans, pie, and a turkey or chicken. 

Donate Here to sponsor a family of 4 for $40, or contribute any amount—every donation makes a difference. Be sure to select “Bells Mill Elementary School” under “Apply my donation to…” so we can track donations from our school. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

MCCPTA Advocacy Priorities

The Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) in accordance with its bylaws, has drafted its advocacy priorities for the 2024-2025 school year. These priorities provide a framework for the MCCPTA, to help influence the decision-making process at all levels through both advocating and policymaking.

Please review the DRAFT Advocacy Priorities and provide any input to our Bells Mill MCCPTA delegates at [email protected].

Posted in PTA

Community Corner

Each week in Bear Post we will share information from other schools in the cluster or community events that provide opportunities to connect and help each other. If you have anything you would like to add, email [email protected]While these are not sponsored or endorsed by the BMES PTA, we’re happy to help share information as appropriate.

Bells Mill Elementary School Chess Club, organized by Magnus Chess Academy. Students will have the opportunity to play in tournaments outside of club time, which may have an additional fee. All… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

From the PTA – Weekly Message

This Thanksgiving, consider donating a meal to families in need through Nourish Now, a local non-profit dedicated to food assistance. Each family will receive a meal box with stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes/yams, cornbread, macaroni & cheese, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, corn green beans, pie, and a turkey or chicken. 

So far we have raised enough money for 22 families to recieve Thanksgiving meals and a just about halfway to our goal.

Donate Here to sponsor a family of 4 for $40, or contribute any amount—every donation makes a difference.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Eric Energy Science Show: Saturday, December 7 (formerly Magic and Muffins)

Please join us on Saturday, December 7, 2024, for a live, fun-filled, interactive science show with Eric Energy. Doors will open at 10:30 am, and the show will begin at 10:45 am in the APR. Space is limited, and registration is required. Please make sure to register today. We have opened early access for PTA members starting today for one week! Non-members will be able to register starting on Thursday, November 21. If you aren’t already a PTA member, become one today by clicking here and automatically get early registration access.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Registration is Now Open for Model UN Winter Session

Did you miss the chance to join BMES Model UN in the Fall? Then come and join us for the Winter Session!

Model United Nations (or Model UN) is an authentic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly in which students act as country delegates and engage in acts of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making. The program is offered through Global Minds, LLC, founded in 2021 by former Bells Mill/Cabin John parents, Audré Park and Shreelata Durbhakula.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

MCCPTA Advocacy Priorities

The Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) in accordance with its bylaws, has drafted its advocacy priorities for the 2024-2025 school year. These priorities provide a framework for the MCCPTA, to help influence the decision-making process at all levels through both advocating and policymaking.

Please review the DRAFT Advocacy Priorities and provide any input to our Bells Mill MCCPTA delegates at [email protected].

Posted in PTA

Community Corner

Each week in Bear Post we will share information from other schools in the cluster or community events that provide opportunities to connect and help each other. If you have anything you would like to add, email [email protected]While these are not sponsored or endorsed by the BMES PTA, we’re happy to help share information as appropriate.

Bells Mill Elementary School Chess Club, organized by Magnus Chess Academy. Students will have the opportunity to play in tournaments outside of club time, which may have an additional fee. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

From the PTA – Weekly Message 

Thank you to everyone who has joined the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year so far! Our Fall Membership Drive was a success, and we are proud to report that we have 201 family and 40 staff memberships! 

Congratulations to the 2nd grade for having the highest PTA representation with 46 family PTA memberships. All 2nd graders will receive a special new Bells Mill stadium cup in the coming days. Congratulations to our raffle winners: Sarah Ghoddousi, Christine Liow, and Mrs.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Donate a Thanksgiving Meal to Families in Need

Our sister school, South Lake Elementary School, in Montgomery Village, has once again reached out for our support in providing Thanksgiving meals to families in need. This year, we also hope to extend our efforts to support families within our own community. 

Donate Here to sponsor a family of 4 for $40, or contribute any amount—every donation makes a difference. Be sure to select “Bells Mill Elementary School” under “Apply my donation to…” so we can track donations from our school. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA