MCPS-MCCPTA Mental Health and Wellness Forum

MCPS-MCCPTA Mental Health and Wellness Forum
April 22, 1-5 pm, Gaithersburg High School

1-2 pm State of Youth Mental Health and Wellness in MoCo
Ann Mazur, CEO, EveryMind and Ananya Tadikonda, SMOB Candidate for 2018-19
4-5 pm Crisis Management and Suicide Prevention
Dr. Eilzabeth Rathbone, OSFSE, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Rachel Larkin, EveryMind

2-4 pm Breakout Sessions on
Coping with Anxiety and Stress
Ending the Silence (NAMI)
Physical Exercise and Mental Health
Mental Health First Aid (not full training)
Keeping Kids Safe Online
Trauma-informed practice
Child Abuse and Neglect
Spanish language panel led by Identity
More information and speaker bios coming on MoCo Mental Health and Wellness Facebook Page:

Online Forum registration form for April 22 Mental Health and Wellness Forum available:

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