Orders open for Family BINGO Night on 1/19

Join us for Bells Mill PTA Bingo Night on January 19, 2023 at 6:30PM in the APR!

Your favorite teachers will be the Bingo callers and all children will leave with a prize! Pre-order pizza, cookies, and Bingo cards for the whole family. Food and registration are done by pre-order only. Pick up your dinner & Bingo cards at the door.

Let’s go green: please bring your own water as bottled water will NOT be available.  

All pizza, cookie, and Bingo card pre-orders MUST be completed online by noon on Tuesday, January 17. 

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Posted in PTA

Committee chair(s) and volunteers needed for BMES Talent Show!

We’re excited to bring back the talent show for the first time since 2019! The talent shows will be held on Friday, March 10 (grades K-2) and Friday, March 17 (grades 3-5).

We volunteers to help to make the talent shows a success and run smoothly. We are looking for:

Show Chairs (1 or more per show): keep track of the schedule and emcee the event

On Deck Volunteers (1 or more per show): fetch the upcoming performer from the “green room” (art classroom) and wait with them before they go on stage

AV Technicians (1 or more per show): collect audio files before the show(s), organize the files/put them in order, play all audio files during the show, and mange all AV during the rehearsals and show

Green Room Volunteers (2 or more per show): supervise the children who are waiting to perform in the green room (art classroom)- help coordinate or supervise quiet activities (some provided by the PTA, others brought by individual children)

In addition to the shows on March 10 and March 17, there will be 2 rehearsals per age group immediately after school at 4pm- March 7 and March 9 for K-2 and March 14 and March 16 for 3-5.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Register for FLEX After School Enrichment Classes by January 9!

FLEX academies will be offering programs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Enrollment is now open and spots are limited. View flyer here for classes and schedule. Register by January 9. Note that additional enrollment is needed for Mudskippers pottery and the language classes to ensure there are enough students to hold the program.  

While the PTA helps coordinate this program, FLEX academies administer the programs and coordinates with the individual providers, as well as provides a staff person to ensure safe dismissal of students.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Holiday Staff Appreciation Wrap-up

Thank you to the more than 40 families who provided baked goods for the Holiday Cookie Buffet for staff. The selections were amazing and the teachers appreciated taking home a box of baked goods to enjoy of the holidays. Thanks for Jismi Johnson for coordinating the effort as well as the parents who helped set up. In addition, the PTA was happy to provide a catered luncheon by Gregorio’s in Cabin John for teachers before break.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Comment on MCCPTA Advocacy Priorities

Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) is comprised of 193 local PT(S)As advocating for students, parents, family members, teachers, staff and administrators of Montgomery County Public Schools. MCCPTA’s priority is to ensure a world-class education for every student, and ensure that all students feel safe, welcome, and valued for being exactly who they are. Each year the Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) establishes advocacy priorities to guide its activities. They are presented to the MCCPTA delegates for each school for review and comment.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

MCCPTA Committee Opportunities

Are you interested in advocating for BMES at the county level? Have a specific passion that you’d love to champion? Check out the committee opportunities with the Montgomery County Council of PTAS: 

Health and Wellness – advocate for a safe, healthy and secure environment for students and staff, includes environmental, mental health & wellness, school nutrition, school climate & safety, safe technology, and substance use prevention 

Gifted Education – advocate on behalf of children who require accelerated and enriched instruction

Special Education – advocate on behalf of children who require special education services 

Curriculum – advocate for effective and supportive course work for all students

There are many more opportunities to engage at the county level.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Parent Meeting Tonight – POSTPONED

Dear Bells Mill Community,

We’ve run into some unexpected scheduling and logistical challenges for tonight’s parent meeting. We are POSTPONING tonight’s meeting to a date to be determined. We made this decision to prioritize the health of the Bells Mill community and ensure full participation by the school and parent community as we discuss the School of Excellence parent survey results. 

A new date for the meeting will be shared as soon as it is available.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Friday (12/9) is the deadline to enter the Reflections Art Program! Share your voice.

All artists participating in this year’s Reflections art contest, entries are due on December 9th. Remember you can turn in your entry online through the link sent to parents from the PTA OR you can turn in the paper form and bring your art to the art room. There are 6 areas to compete: dance, music composition, film production, photography, literature, and visual arts

What is the PTA Reflections program? PTA’s Reflections is a nationwide art program which provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Holiday Giving for Staff

As we approach the holidays, many families often give gifts to BMES teachers and staff. We have asked teachers and staff to share “A Few of Their Favorite Things” to provide some ideas! This list includes teachers, paraeducators, specialists and front office staff.

A Few of Their Favorite Things

There are specific MCPS guidelines about individual gift giving that must be followed by all parents. The MCPS policy states that the total gift amount for the year cannot exceed $100 per child.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA