Teacher Appreciation Week

The PTA would like to thank all teachers and staff for the care and commitment they demonstrate daily. We are beyond lucky to have such amazing educators at our school. In honor of teacher appreciation week, we were pleased to provide a breakfast and lunch for staff as a small token of our appreciation. Thanks to Haylie Iseman and Amy Stolker for arranging the meals.

Posted in PTA

Join us TONIGHT for our Virtual Dance Party!!

Our kids have been worked hard and been flexible over the past year. It’s time to celebrate and dance the night away. Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 1 at 7:00pm.

Please register here: https://online.bachtorock.com/event?id=ezFkbQ39LOmaSiZjZDB4mg==

Bach to Rock will send the Zoom link the day before the event.

Posted in PTA

Volunteer needed for MCCPTA Delegate Position

We are grateful for those who expressed interest in being on the PTA board next year! We will be holding elections for the PTA board positions at our next meeting (May 11, 2021). We are looking for one more person to serve as a delegate from BMES to the Montgomery County Council of PTAs. In this role you attend periodic MCCPTA meetings and vote on school matters at the county level.

By serving on the PTA board, you have opportunities for direct contact with the school, get to know the teachers and school programs, and support your child’s educational experience. … Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Volunteer with PTA Next Year

As we begin to look to the next school year, we are recruiting new board members and committee chairs. We are grateful for those who have already expressed interest! We will be holding elections for the PTA board positions at our next meeting (May 1, 2021). 

Board Positions

We will be electing all members of our PTA board for next school year. With the upcoming revision to the bylaws we are adding a fourth vice president to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.… Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

2 Volunteers Needed for PTA Board Nominating Committee

Our bylaws require we form a nominating committee to fill next year’s PTA board. We need to identify at least two volunteers who are current PTA members by May 1. The nominating committee will be responsible for formally nominating eligible persons for open PTA board positions and reporting their nominees to the general membership prior to the PTA election at a general membership meeting in May. The estimated time commitment is less than 30 minutes! If you are able to serve on the nominating committee, please email us at [email protected]Read Full Post

Posted in PTA

Compensatory Education for Missed IEP Services During COVID

Has your child with disabilities regressed or did not receive all the services on their IEP this year in virtual learning? 

Please join the MCCPTA Special Education Committee as we host an important and timely webinar with education attorney, Nicole Joseph who will discuss options on how to get what your child needs to recover from learning loss during the pandemic. 

Topic: Compensatory Education for Missed IEP Services During COVID – Webinar with Education Attorney, Nicole Joseph

Time: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 7:30-8:30 PM Eastern

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81455140013?pwd=UGZBNWRNRy9sVytucnFjb0hBS1Z5QT09Read Full Post

Posted in PTA